23 03, 2025

​What Happens If You Get Waitlisted?

By |2025-03-23T10:52:55-04:00March 23rd, 2025|College Admissions, Letter of Continued Interest, LOCI, Waitlisted, What Happens If You Get Waitlisted?|0 Comments

What Happens If You Get Waitlisted?

What happens if you get waitlisted?  Ivy Day is almost here and receiving a waitlist notification from a college can be a disappointing and confusing experience. After dedicating so much time and effort to your application, finding yourself in limbo—neither accepted nor rejected—can be disheartening. However, being waitlisted is not the end of the road; it indicates that the admissions committee found your application compelling but couldn’t offer immediate admission due to limited space and because there were just other students who were just maybe slightly more of a solid bet.

Understanding what it means to be waitlisted and how to navigate this situation can significantly impact your chances of eventual acceptance, however.  It is NOT the end of the road.  Every single year I help students get off the waitlist, and I can help you, too, but first, let’s understand the situation in full so we can best attack it!

Understanding the Waitlist

When a college places you on its waitlist, it signifies that you are a qualified applicant who meets the institution’s standards. However, due to the extremely competitive nature of admissions and limited spots, especially at the Ivy League or “Top 20” US schools, the specific college cannot offer you a place at the moment.  That last sentence is key:  at the moment. Moments change.  There WILL be spaces that open up at every single school (yes, even Harvard and Princeton) because accepted students at both schools will choose one or the other — then leaving room for YOU.

Realize that the waitlist serves as a reserve pool of applicants who may be offered admission if spaces become available. This typically occurs after the college assesses how many accepted students enroll, a metric known as the yield rate.​ It’s true that the top schools, again, especially the top Ivy League colleges, have a lower yield rate than other schools that rank lower, BUT they 100% absolutely still have one: again, a student might choose Stanford over Harvard (leaving open a spot) or Yale over Princeton (great!  another spot!) or, they may not get the financial package they need to attend their school of choice (sad, but this is life, and it’s unfortunately true) and so that can leave a spot open for someone exactly like you.

The Emotional Impact

Being waitlisted can evoke a range of emotions—from frustration, disappointment, and even despair and clinical depression, to hope, belief, determination, resilence and uncertainty. It’s essential to acknowledge these feelings while maintaining a balanced perspective. Remember, a waitlist is not a rejection; it’s an indication that you are a strong candidate to be competitive at that school.  Believe me, they have no problem rejecting students outright.  If you’re on the waitlist, you are a contender.

You’re qualified enough to be in the club…if the club has an opening. You just now need to make sure you’re 100% ready and know what to do, and how to position yourself, so when that opening becomes available (which it will, because remember, every single school — even Harvard, Stanford, MIT and Princeton have students who don’t accept) YOU will be there and ready to be chosen to walk through that open door.

There are, however, immediate steps you need to take. Do it right, and increase your chances exponentially. The game isn’t over!

The Immediate Steps to Take

  1. Respond Promptly: Most colleges require waitlisted students to confirm whether they wish to remain on the waitlist. Ensure you follow the institution’s instructions carefully and meet any deadlines.​
  2. Submit a Letter of Continued Interest (LOCI): A well-crafted LOCI can reinforce your enthusiasm for the college and provide updates on any new achievements. This is THE best thing you can do to increase your chances of admission. The LOCI is a way for students to update the admissions committee on any new developments since they submitted their application, as well as reiterate their desire and commitment to attend the school. Do it right, and it’s your ticket IN.

Writing the LOCI

When writing a strong LOCI, consider the following guidelines:

  • Be Concise: Admissions committees are busy and have a lot of applications to review, so it’s important to keep your letter brief and to the point. No more than one page (!!!)
  • Highlight New Achievements: Since submitting your application, have you won any awards, received any special recognition, or taken on any new leadership roles? Use your letter of continued interest to highlight these accomplishments and explain how they demonstrate your continued commitment to your education and personal growth.
  • Express Specific Interest: Use your letter of continued interest as an opportunity to reaffirm why you want to attend the school in question. Be specific about what draws you to the school and what you hope to gain from your education there. Focus on the academic side versus anything extracurricular.

Managing Expectations

It’s crucial to approach the waitlist with a realistic mindset. Admission off the waitlist is highly competitive and varies annually based on factors like the number of applicants, yield rates, and institutional needs. Every single year though students get off the waitlist, even at the most highly competitive schools, and GET IN.

Alternative Plans

While remaining hopeful about the waitlist, it’s prudent to consider other options:​

  • Accept Another Offer: Secure your spot at another institution where you’ve been accepted. This ensures you have a definite plan for your education.​ Just make sure your parents read the fine print before signing any kind of acceptance as they could end up losing their deposit…sometimes though that “bet” is worth it, regardless.  Just know what you’re agreeing to so there are no surprises.
  • You must accept somewhere, but you may want to wait as long as possible before that school’s deadline to accept in order to keep your doors open.  Do NOT miss any deadlines though, as the schools are unforgiving.
  • Stay Positive: Getting waitlisted can be depressing, but it’s important to stay positive.  You really don’t know what will happen. I’ve seen students get off the waitlist as late as July.  You never know. ​
  • Consider Transferring: If your heart is set on a particular college, remember that transferring is an option. Every year I work with students who didn’t get in to their first-choice school, but then DO get in as a transfer student — even to schools like Harvard, Stanford, and Princeton. If you got waitlisted, just know that transferring is still a very valuable option.

Final Thoughts

Being waitlisted is a testament to your qualifications and potential. I know it doesn’t feel like it, but it’s actually a win. While it introduces a period of uncertainty, anxiety, and stress, proactive steps like submitting a strong LOCI, maintaining academic excellence, and exploring alternative opportunities like transferring and starting to put together that strategy, can positively influence your educational journey. Remember, the path to your goals may have unexpected turns, but success is still completely possible.

Want Help Crafting Your LOCI?

Want more help crafting a strong LOCI, or discussing your options around transferring?  I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer and a Harvard graduate and have been running my college admissions firm IVY LEAGUE ESSAY for the last 15 years out of NYC.

I work with students all over the country who are targeting the Ivy League, or Top 20 schools, and would be happy to speak to you about your college possibilities and options. 

Contact me today for a free consultation and get into the school of your dreams! www.IvyCollegeEssay.com

Want more free tips and advice? Check out my other blog articles, below:

  1. What Are My Chances of Getting Off Harvard’s Waitlist? 
  2. How to Write the LOCI = Letter of Continued Interest?
  3. What to Do If You’re Waitlisted?


17 03, 2025

Harvard Now Free For Families With Income Below $200,000 A Year

By |2025-03-17T13:18:13-04:00March 17th, 2025|College Admissions, Financial Aid, Harvard, Ivy Leage Admissions, Ivy League, Ivy League College|0 Comments

Harvard Now Free For Families Making Less Than $200,000 A Year

In a landmark move to enhance educational accessibility, Harvard University announced on March 17, 2025, that it will eliminate tuition for students from families making less than $200,000 annually. Set to begin in the 2025-2026 academic year, signifies a substantial expansion of Harvard’s financial aid program, aiming to make one of the world’s most prestigious institutions more attainable for a broader spectrum of students.

Details of the Financial Aid Expansion

Under the new policy, students from families with annual incomes of $100,000 or less will have all billed expenses covered, including tuition, housing, meals, health insurance, and travel. Additionally, these students will receive a $2,000 startup grant in their first year and a $2,000 launch grant in their junior … . For families earning up to $200, … , tuition will be waived entirely, with additional aid provided based on individual financial circumstances.

This expansion is poised to significantly increase the number of families eligible for financial aid. Harvard estimates that approximately 86% of U.S. households will now qualify for some form of assistance, broadening the university’s reach and reinforcing its commitment to socioeconomic diversity.

Historical Context and Evolution of Financial Aid at Harvard

Harvard’s commitment to financial aid has evolved considerably over the past two decades. In 2004, the university launched the Harvard Financial Aid Initiative, initially covering all costs for students from … annually. This threshold increased to $60,000 in … . The latest expansion to $100,000 and $200,000 marks a significant milestone in Harvard’s ongoing efforts to make education more accessible.

Implications for Middle-Income Families

The recent policy change is particularly impactful for middle-income families, who often face financial challenges in affording higher education. By extending free tuition to families earning up to $200, … , Harvard acknowledges the financial pressures on this demographic and aims to alleviate the burden, making a Harvard education more attainable.

Comparison with Other Ivy League (and Ivy-Equivalent) Institutions

Harvard’s initiative aligns with a broader trend among elite universities to enhance financial aid offerings. Institutions like Stanford and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have also expanded their aid programs in recent years, aiming to attract a diverse student body and address concerns about affordability. These efforts reflect a growing recognition of the need to support middle-income families and promote socioeconomic diversity within elite higher education.

Addressing Criticisms and Enhancing Diversity

Elite universities have faced criticism for perpetuating elitism and lacking socioeconomic diversity. By expanding financial aid, Harvard aims to counter these critiques and demonstrate a commitment to inclusivity. The policy change is expected to attract a more diverse applicant pool, enriching the campus community with varied perspectives and experiences.

Financial Sustainability and Endowment Considerations

Harvard’s substantial endowment, valued at $53 billion, plays a crucial role in funding these financial aid initiatives. However, the university faces external pressures, including potential taxation of its endowment by the Trump administration. In response, Harvard has adopted new lobbying strategies and is building alliances with policymakers to protect its financial resources.

Impact on Student Debt and Accessibility

The expansion of financial aid is anticipated to reduce the reliance on student loans, addressing concerns about the national student debt crisis, which currently totals around $1.78 trillion. By alleviating financial barriers, Harvard aims to make higher education more accessible and lessen the long-term financial burden on its graduates.


Harvard University’s decision to eliminate tuition for families earning up to $200, … represents a significant step toward greater educational accessibility and affordability. This initiative not only benefits middle-income families but also enhances the socioeconomic diversity of the student body, enriching the educational experience for all. As other institutions observe and potentially emulate Harvard’s approach, this move could signal a broader shift toward more inclusive financial aid policies in higher education.

                                                                                + + +

Need help with this year’s approaching college applications? I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer + a Harvard graduate and run one of the top Ivy League College Admissions Firms in the US. Contact me today for a free consultation!  www.IvyCollegeEssay.com

Want more free tips and advice?  Check out my blog post below, and get into the school of your dreams!

  1. What Each Ivy League College Is Known For

       2. Best Computer Science Programs in the US

3. How to Choose A College Major

1 08, 2024

How to Get Into an Ivy League College

By |2024-08-01T17:53:31-04:00August 1st, 2024|Brown, College Admissions, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Early Decion, Harvard, Ivy Leage Admissions, Ivy League, Ivy League College, Princeton, UPenn, Yale|0 Comments

How to Get Into an Ivy League College

Getting into an Ivy League college is a dream for many high school students and their families. The eight Ivy League institutions—Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Brown, Dartmouth, Cornell, and the University of Pennsylvania—are renowned for their academic rigor, distinguished faculty, and expansive alumni networks. However, the path to these esteemed universities is highly competitive and requires meticulous planning, dedication, and a well-rounded profile. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to maximize your chances of being accepted into an Ivy League school, as told from a former Harvard admissions interviewer and Harvard graduate:

  1. Academic Excellence

High GPA: One of the most critical components of your application is your academic record. Ivy League schools typically look for students with near-perfect GPAs. Strive to be at the top of your class, as your grades reflect your ability to handle rigorous coursework.

Challenging Courses: Admissions committees look for students who have challenged themselves academically. Enroll in Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or honors courses if they are available at your school. These courses not only prepare you for college-level work but also demonstrate your willingness to take on academic challenges.

Standardized Tests: Although some Ivy League schools have adopted test-optional policies, high scores on the SAT or ACT can still strengthen your application. Aim for scores in the 95th percentile or higher. Additionally, consider taking SAT Subject Tests in areas where you excel to further showcase your strengths.

  1. Extracurricular Activities

Depth and Leadership: Admissions officers are interested in students who show depth and leadership in their extracurricular activities. Rather than participating in numerous activities superficially, focus on a few that genuinely interest you and pursue them passionately. Leadership roles in clubs, sports teams, or other organizations can demonstrate your ability to lead and make an impact.

Passion Projects: Develop personal projects or initiatives that highlight your interests and passions. Whether it’s starting a nonprofit, conducting scientific research, or creating a community service project, initiatives that show initiative and dedication can set you apart from other applicants.

Community Service: Volunteering and community service can showcase your commitment to making a positive difference in society. Engage in meaningful community service activities and reflect on how these experiences have shaped your perspectives and goals.

  1. Strong Personal Statements

Unique Story: Your personal statement is an opportunity to present yourself beyond grades and test scores. Write essays that reflect your unique experiences, perspectives, and aspirations. Be authentic and honest in your writing, and avoid clichés or generic statements.

Specificity: Tailor your essays to each Ivy League school you apply to. Research each university’s programs, values, and culture, and explain why you are a good fit for their community. Specificity shows that you have done your homework and are genuinely interested in the school.

  1. Impressive Letters of Recommendation

Choose Wisely: Select teachers and mentors who know you well and can speak to your strengths and character. Ideally, these should be individuals who have witnessed your academic achievements and personal growth.

Detailed and Insightful: Strong letters of recommendation should provide specific examples of your accomplishments, work ethic, and personality. Ensure your recommenders have ample time to write thoughtful and detailed letters.

  1. Exceptional Interviews

Preparation: If offered an interview, prepare thoroughly. Research the school and be ready to discuss why you want to attend and how you can contribute to the campus community. Practice common interview questions and answers with a friend or family member.

Be Yourself: During the interview, be genuine and personable. Admissions officers want to get to know the real you, so let your personality shine through.

  1. Showcase Your Talents

Portfolios and Auditions: If you have exceptional talents in areas such as art, music, theater, or athletics, consider submitting a portfolio or audition tape. These can provide a tangible demonstration of your skills and dedication.

  1. Financial Aid and Scholarships

Research Opportunities: Ivy League schools offer generous financial aid packages based on need. Research each school’s financial aid policies and apply for scholarships and grants. Demonstrating financial need will not negatively impact your chances of admission, as these schools are committed to meeting 100% of demonstrated need.

  1. Stay Organized

Deadlines: Keep track of application deadlines and requirements for each school. Missing a deadline or failing to submit a required document can jeopardize your application.

Application Materials: Create a checklist of all application materials, including transcripts, test scores, essays, and recommendation letters. Ensure everything is submitted on time and in the correct format.


The journey to an Ivy League school is demanding but achievable with careful planning, hard work, and dedication. Focus on excelling academically, engaging deeply in extracurricular activities, and presenting a compelling and authentic personal narrative. Remember that while Ivy League schools are prestigious, they are not the only path to success. Many other universities offer excellent education and opportunities. Ultimately, finding a school that fits your goals and values is the most important factor in your college journey.

Would you like more help with your college applications? I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer + a Harvard graduate and specialize in the Ivy League!

Contact me today at: www.IvyCollegeEssay.com for a free consultation and get into the school of your dreams!

If you like this article, check out my other Ivy League college admissions posts as well, such as:

  1. The Best Pre-Law Colleges in the US
  2. The Best Computer Science Colleges in the US
  3. How to Pick a College Major
  4. The Best Colleges for Psychology Majors
  5. The Best Engineering Colleges in the US

And you can also buy my new book on Amazon:  THE IVY LEAGUE COLLEGE ADMISSIONS GUIDEBOOKhttps://amzn.to/3UKaCEN


29 05, 2024

How to Choose A College Major

By |2024-05-30T14:02:37-04:00May 29th, 2024|College Admissions, How to Choose A College Major, Ivy Leage Admissions|1 Comment

How to Choose A College Major

Wondering how to choose a college major?  Choosing your major in college is one of the most significant decisions you’ll make during your academic journey. The choice shapes your career path, influences your future job opportunities, and even impact your personal life, the types of other people you will meet along the way, and your overall life fulfillment. Scary enough, right?  Well, here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this crucial decision:

1. Understand Your Natural Interests and Strengths

Follow the path of what you do well.  Therein lies your natural talent.  So, begin by reflecting on what you enjoy doing and where your true strengths lie. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What subjects in school do you excel in?
  • What hobbies or activities do you find most enjoyable?
  • What kind of books do you gravitate to in your spare time?
  • What do you find interesting in the world?
  • What are your core values and how do these align with any potential career you might be thinking about?

2. Explore Potential Careers

Once you have a sense of your interests and strengths, research potential careers. Think about who you know who is older.  What do other people’s parents do for a living?  How about an aunt or uncle?  What do they do?  Even your own parents?  Look into various industries and job roles to see what sparks your curiosity. Consider:

  • Required skills and qualifications
  • Average salary
  • Work-life balance
  • Intellectual interest and challenge

3. Consider the Long-Term Outlook

While it’s essential to choose something you enjoy, also consider the long-term viability of the field. Some questions to ponder include:

  • Is the industry growing, stable, or declining?
  • What are the future trends and technological advancements that might impact this field?
  • Are there opportunities for advancement and specialization?

Majors in healthcare, technology, and environmental sciences, for example, tend to have strong growth prospects due to ongoing societal and technological developments.

4. Evaluate Academic Strengths and Challenges

Certain majors are more demanding than others. Assess your academic abilities and readiness to handle the coursework. If you struggled with math and science in high school, a major heavy in these areas might pose significant challenges. On the other hand, if you have a natural affinity for writing, a major in English or Journalism could be a better fit. Know too that any college degree, even one from Harvard, is just a jumping off point to the rest of your life — your career too can grow and change.

5. Seek Advice and Insights

Talk to professionals in your fields of interest.  Most people are happy to offer a young person some advice.  Talk to your academic advisors, and professors. Networking can also provide a realistic perspective on what working in a particular field is like. Join clubs and organizations related to your prospective major to gain hands-on experience and meet like-minded peers.

6. Test the Waters with Introductory Courses

Take introductory courses in a few different subjects during your freshman year in college. This can give you a taste of various fields without committing right away, though it is true that the more competitive colleges, like the Ivy League schools preferred students who at least have an initial idea of what they want to study and don’t come in “undecided.”

It’s better to pick something and then change your major along the way, that to fill out your college applications with no idea at all.

7. Understand the Requirements and Prerequisites

Different majors also have different course requirements and prerequisites. Make sure you understand these before committing. Some fields may require internships, lab work, or capstone projects. Knowing these requirements can help you gauge whether you’re prepared to meet them.

8. Consider Dual Majors or Minors

If you have multiple interests, consider a double major or a minor. This approach allows you to explore more than one field and can make you more versatile and interesting. However, be mindful of the additional workload and time commitment required.

9. Stay Open to Change

It’s perfectly normal to change your major if you discover new interests or realize your initial choice isn’t the right fit. Many students switch majors during their college years. Flexibility and openness to change are crucial as you grow and learn more about yourself and your aspirations.

10. Think About Financial Implications

Finally, consider the financial aspects of your major choice. Some fields may require further education, such as a master’s degree, Ph.D.,  or certain professional certification. Also, think about the potential return on investment in terms of job prospects and salary.


Choosing a college major is a significant decision, but it doesn’t have to be a daunting one. By assessing your interests and strengths, researching potential careers, seeking advice, and staying flexible, you can make a well-informed choice that sets you on a fulfilling path. Remember, this is just one step in your lifelong journey of learning and growth. Your major doesn’t define your entire future, but it can provide a strong foundation for building the career and life you envision!

Want more bespoke advice about how to pick a college major, as well as help with your upcoming essays and applications?  I’m a former Harvard interviewer and Harvard grad and have been running my college admissions firm IVY COLLEGE ESSAY for the last 10+ years.

Contact me today for a free consultation and let me help you GET INTO THE SCHOOL OF YOUR DREAMS!  www.IvyCollegeEssay.com

Check out these other college admissions posts as well, including:

  1. What Each Ivy League College Is Known For
  2. Best Engineering Colleges In The US
  3.  How to Get Into Harvard
  4. Best Pre-Med Programs in the US
23 05, 2024

Best Colleges For Psych Majors

By |2024-05-29T22:33:27-04:00May 23rd, 2024|Best Colleges for Psychology, college, College Admissions, Ivy Leage Admissions, Ivy League|0 Comments

Best Colleges for Psych Majors

When considering the best colleges for psychology majors, several institutions stand out for their strong programs, research opportunities, and overall academic reputation. Here are some of the top options, including the Ivy League, and “Ivy equivalent” schools, members of the Seven Sisters, and large state universities:

Ivy League and Top Private Universities

  1. Harvard University – Known for its extensive research facilities and distinguished faculty, Harvard offers a comprehensive psychology program that covers various subfields like clinical psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and social psychology.
  2. Stanford University – Stanford’s psychology department is renowned for its research in cognitive psychology, social psychology, and developmental psychology.
  3. Yale University – Yale provides robust undergraduate and graduate programs with a focus on experimental psychology, clinical psychology, and neuroscience.
  4. Princeton University – Offers a well-rounded psychology program with strong research opportunities and a focus on brain, behavior, and cognition.
  5. University of Chicago – UChicago’s psychology department is noted for its research and interdisciplinary approach, covering areas such as human development and social neuroscience.

Seven Sisters Colleges

  1. Barnard College – As an affiliate of Columbia University, Barnard offers strong psychology programs with access to Columbia’s resources.
  2. Bryn Mawr College – Known for its rigorous academics and research opportunities in psychology, especially in clinical and developmental psychology.
  3. Mount Holyoke College – Offers a comprehensive psychology program with strengths in experimental and social psychology.
  4. Smith College – Provides a robust psychology curriculum with research opportunities in cognitive psychology and neuroscience.
  5. Wellesley College – Known for its strong emphasis on research, Wellesley offers programs in clinical psychology, developmental psychology, and cognitive science.
  6. Vassar College – While not part of the original Seven Sisters, Vassar provides excellent psychology programs with a strong focus on research and experimental psychology.
  7. Radcliffe College (now part of Harvard University) – Historically a member, Radcliffe’s legacy continues through Harvard’s extensive resources and programs.

Large State Universities

  1. University of California, Berkeley – Offers top-tier programs in various psychology disciplines, including cognitive neuroscience and social-personality psychology.
  2. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor – Known for its strong research programs in developmental psychology, clinical psychology, and social psychology.
  3. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) – Offers comprehensive programs in cognitive psychology, clinical psychology, and behavioral neuroscience.
  4. University of Wisconsin, Madison – Provides extensive research opportunities and a strong curriculum in experimental and clinical psychology.
  5. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill – Known for its research in clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, and developmental psychology.
  6. Ohio State University – Offers strong programs in social psychology, cognitive psychology, and developmental psychology.
  7. University of Texas at Austin – Known for its comprehensive psychology programs and research in areas such as clinical psychology, cognitive science, and social psychology.

These universities are recognized not only for their academic excellence but also for their contributions to research and their facilities, such as dedicated neuroscience labs and extensive libraries. Choosing any of these institutions would provide a solid foundation and ample opportunities for a career in psychology, making them excellent choices for students pursuing a degree in this field,​ making them excellent choices for students pursuing a degree in this field​.

Want more expert help this year with your college applications? I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer + a Harvard grad, and specialize in helping students with their essays and get into the school of their dreams!

Contact me at: www.IvyCollegeEssay.com for a free consultation, or email IvyCollegeEssay@gmail.com

And, if you like this article, check out my other blog posts as well, such as:

  1. The Best Engineering Programs in the US
  2. The College Admissions Activity List
  3. What Each Ivy League School is Known For
  4. How to Pick the Right College

And you can also buy my new book on Amazon!  THE IVY LEAGUE COLLEGE ADMISSIONS GUIDEBOOK, linked here: https://amzn.to/3UKaCEN

22 05, 2024

How to Pick the Right College

By |2024-05-22T22:07:44-04:00May 22nd, 2024|College Admissions|1 Comment

How to Pick the Right College

Choosing the right college is one of the most significant decisions in a young adult’s life. The right choice can set the foundation for future success and personal growth, while the wrong one can lead to unnecessary struggles and dissatisfaction. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to pick a college that aligns with your goals, interests, and needs.

1. Define Your Priorities

Start by understanding what you want out of your college experience. Priorities can vary greatly from one student to another. Some might prioritize academic excellence and the availability of specific programs, while others might look for vibrant campus life, strong athletic programs, or unique extracurricular opportunities. Make a list of what matters most to you, such as location, size, cost, academic programs, campus culture, and post-graduate opportunities.

2. Research Academic Programs

Identify colleges that offer strong programs in your area of interest. Look at the curriculum, faculty qualifications, research opportunities, and success stories of graduates from those programs. If you’re undecided on a major, consider schools with a wide range of strong programs and the flexibility to explore different fields.

3. Evaluate the Campus Environment

Campus life plays a crucial role in your overall college experience. Visit campuses if possible to get a feel for the environment. Consider the size of the student body, class sizes, campus facilities, and available resources. Pay attention to the social atmosphere – is it diverse and inclusive? Are there clubs and organizations that match your interests? Do you think you’ll feel comfortable there?

4. Consider Location

Location can significantly impact your college experience. Decide whether you prefer an urban, suburban, or rural setting. Think about the climate, proximity to home, and the availability of internships and job opportunities in the area. A college’s location can also affect living expenses, so consider the cost of living in the area.

5. Assess Financial Considerations

Cost is a major factor in choosing a college. Evaluate tuition fees, accommodation costs, and other expenses. Research financial aid options, including scholarships, grants, work-study programs, and loans. Many schools offer financial aid calculators on their websites, which can help you estimate the net cost after aid. Remember, the most expensive school is not necessarily the best fit for you, AND please be aware that the Ivy League schools are some of the best endowed, meaning that if they want you they have the money to make that actually possible for you and your family, so don’t rule out applying because of cost.  I’ve had many students get full scholarships to Ivy League schools because of financial need.

6. Investigate Campus Support Services

Support services can enhance your college experience and success. Look into the availability of academic advising, career counseling, mental health services, tutoring centers, and student organizations. Strong support services can help you navigate challenges and make the most of your college years as well as help you prepare for law school, or med school, or any post-graduate program.

7. Look at Post-Graduation Outcomes

Consider the success of graduates from the colleges you’re interested in. Research graduation rates, job placement rates, and the average starting salaries of graduates. Schools often provide this information through their career services offices or on their websites. Alumni networks can also be a valuable resource for internships and job placements.

8. Seek Personal Insights

Talk to current students and alumni to get an insider’s perspective on the colleges you’re considering. They can provide honest insights into what it’s like to attend a particular school, the quality of education, campus life, and the overall student experience. Online forums and social media groups can also be useful for gathering opinions and advice, as well as campus visits.  Some schools even let you spend the night in the dorm with a volunteer “student guide”.

9. Trust Your Instincts

After gathering all the information, trust your instincts. Sometimes, your gut feeling about a place can be just as important as the facts and figures. Imagine yourself on the campus, interacting with the community, and participating in activities. Choose a college where you feel comfortable and excited about spending the next few years.

10. Make an Informed Decision

Once you have all the information, compare your options. Weigh the pros and cons of each college based on your priorities and preferences. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all answer; the best college for you is the one that fits your unique needs and aspirations.

Choosing a college is a significant step in your educational journey. By carefully considering your priorities, conducting thorough research, and trusting your instincts, you can make a well-informed decision that sets you on the path to success and fulfillment.

Want expert help this year with your college applications? I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer + a Harvard grad, and specialize in helping students get into the school of their dreams!

Contact me today at: www.IvyCollegeEssay.com for a free consultation.  I would be happy to discuss your plans. 

And, if you like this article, check out my other blog posts as well, such as:

  1. The Best Engineering Colleges in the US
  2. How to Get Into Harvard
  3. The Best Engineering Programs in the US
  4. The College Admissions Activity List

And you can also buy my book on Amazon!  THE IVY LEAGUE COLLEGE ADMISSIONS GUIDEBOOK, linked here: https://amzn.to/3UKaCEN

14 05, 2024

Best Pre-Med Colleges in the US

By |2024-05-15T23:54:09-04:00May 14th, 2024|College Admissions, Duke, Emory, Harvard, Ivy League, Ivy League College, Johns Hopkins, Pre-med, Pre-med colleges|0 Comments

Best Pre-Med Colleges in the US

Choosing the best pre-med college in the US can be a difficult choice, especially if you don’t have the right information.  To start with though, let’s make sure we all truly understand exactly what a pre-med program is.

“Pre-med” is a curriculum or track that undergraduate students follow to prepare for admission to medical school. While “pre-med” is NOT a specific major (most students will major in biology), the “pre-med track” typically includes a set of required courses in biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, and advanced mathematics, as well as opportunities for clinical experience, lab work, and scientific research. Effective pre-med programs also provide solid advising services to guide students through the medical school application process, including preparation for the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test).

Choosing the right pre-med program therefore is a crucial step for students aspiring to enter medical school post-degree, and the better ranked your undergraduate program, the better your chances are going to be in regard to getting into a tip-top med school.

The best pre-med programs therefore offer rigorous academic preparation, abundant research opportunities, and strong advisers, extracurriculars, and student groups to support college students through the challenging journey of medical school applications and admissions. The most important question to ask yourself though is, “does this school have a HISTORY of getting a large number of students into the med school I would eventually love to go to”  — because that is exactly where you want to be.

And now, here’s a look at some of the top pre-med colleges in the US.

*PLEASE NOTE, THESE ARE NOT IN RANKED ORDER, and are just how they came to me when writing. I may revise this article with the proper ranking of the programs in the next few days if you would like to bookmark this post.  Thank you!

And, now, here’s the list!

1. Harvard University

Harvard University, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, consistently ranks at the top of pre-med programs in the US. Known for its prestigious medical school, Harvard offers undergraduate students unparalleled resources. The pre-med program is extremely competitive, with extensive course selection and research opportunities. Additionally, Harvard’s enetwork of hospitals and research institutions provides ample clinical and research experience in the Boston area, making Harvard #1 on almost any pre-med list.

2. Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, is synonymous with medical excellence. The university’s undergraduate programs are designed to prepare students for the rigors of medical school. Johns Hopkins offers a strong pre-med advising program and numerous opportunities for undergraduate research, particularly through its renowned School of Medicine and the Johns Hopkins Hospital. The university’s emphasis on research and clinical experience makes it a top choice for pre-med students and you’ll be surrounded by peers who share the exact same medical interests.

3. Stanford University

Stanford University, located in Palo Alto, California, is another top contender for pre-med students. The university provides a comprehensive pre-med advising program, ensuring students are well-prepared for medical school applications. Stanford’s proximity to leading medical facilities like Stanford Hospital and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital offers students exceptional opportunities for clinical exposure and research. The university’s commitment to interdisciplinary education also allows pre-med students to engage in a broad range of academic pursuits, enhancing their medical school applications, and everyone knows how difficult it is to get into Stanford which will only give you a strong advantage moving forward.

4. University of Pennsylvania

The University of Pennsylvania (or just “Penn” as it is usually called) in Philadelphia boasts one of the best pre-med programs in the country. UPenn’s Perelman School of Medicine is among the top medical schools, and the university offers a wealth of resources to its pre-med students. The Health and Societies major, combined with the Biological Basis of Behavior program, provides a unique interdisciplinary approach. UPenn’s strong focus on research and clinical experience, coupled with excellent advising, helps students build competitive applications.

5. University of Chicago

The University of Chicago’s program provides pre-med students with clinical volunteering fellowships, extensive workshops, and a large curriculum alongside special activities and programs to prepare those interestred for careers in medicine. It is also well-known that pre-med students from Chicago are accepted to medical school at nearly twice the national average. The school is highly competitive though so if you’re going to apply you want to make sure you are applying to other less-competitive schools as well, to spread out your chances.

6. Boston University

Boston University offers a large curriculum for those interested in  pre-med, which gives you an opportunity to start to see where your interests lie in terms of fields of concentration, as well as dedicated pre-med advisors who can help students find  clinical and research opportunities. Students enrolled in the Modular Medical/Dental Integrated Curriculum (MMEDIC) program may also have the opportunity for early acceptance into BU’s medical school after two years of undergrad

7. University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill is know for being part of the “Research Triangle” and offers many opportunities for those considering not only a career in medicine, but in scientific research.  The school has many paths to gain clinical as well as lab experience, and has very strong student organizations revolving around medicine.

8. Washington University – St. Louis Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri offers dedicated pre-med advisors who guide students through every step of the medical school application process. WashU’s connection with the highly regarded Washington University School of Medicine provides undergraduates with extensive research and clinical opportunities. The university’s collaborative environment and emphasis on scientific inquiry make it a competitive choice for aspiring doctors and the school is slightly easier to get into than some of the other schools on this list.

9. Duke University

Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, offers a comprehensive pre-med program that prepares students for success in medical school and is well-known around the world for turning out excellent doctors. Duke’s advising program and curriculum is exceptional, with advisors and professors who are knowledgeable about the medical school application process. The university’s close relationship with the Duke University Medical Center also provides ample opportunities for clinical experience and research. Duke’s focus on innovation and interdisciplinary learning further enhances the pre-med experience, and there are opportunities to cross-over with biotech and bioengineering.

10. University of California, Berkeley

The University of California, Berkeley, is a top choice for pre-med students on the West Coast. UC Berkeley offers a rigorous academic curriculum with strong support for pre-med students. alongside numerous research opportunities at nearby medical facilities. Berkeley’s emphasis on scientific research and community service helps students build robust medical school applications.

11. Northwestern University

Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, offers a strong pre-med program with extensive support for students. The university’s Health Professions Advising office provides comprehensive guidance on course selection, research opportunities, and the medical school application process. Northwestern’s Feinberg School of Medicine and affiliated hospitals offer rich clinical and research experiences. The university’s commitment to interdisciplinary education and research excellence makes it a top choice for pre-med students.

12. Columbia University

Columbia University in New York City offers another top-tier pre-med program. The university’s Office of Preprofessional Advising supports students through all stages of the pre-med journey, from course selection to medical school applications. Columbia’s location provides access to numerous research opportunities at renowned hospitals and medical centers, including the Columbia University Medical Center. The rigorous academic environment and extensive resources make Columbia a premier choice for pre-med students alongside the numerous hospitals in NYC.

13. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

While not traditionally seen as a pre-med powerhouse, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, offers exceptional preparation for medical school. MIT’s emphasis on cutting-edge research and innovation in the sciences equips students with a solid foundation in medical-related fields, especially those potentially interested in eventually pursuing an MD/Ph.D. The university’s Prehealth Advising Office provides robust support, and students can take advantage of numerous research and clinical opportunities at nearby hospitals and medical institutions.

14. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) is known for its strong pre-med program and excellent medical school acceptance rates. The university’s connection with the UCLA Medical Center provides abundant opportunities for clinical experience and research. UCLA’s comprehensive academic and extracurricular offerings make it an excellent choice for pre-med students, especially those who would like to stay on the West Coast.

15. Yale University

Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, offers a distinguished pre-med program, as well.  The Yale-New Haven Hospital and the Yale School of Medicine offer extensive research and clinical opportunities, and Yale’s focus on interdisciplinary studies (especially those who would like to cross-over into the humanities) on top of its research excellence makes it a top destination for aspiring medical professionals.

16. Emory University

Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, is well-regarded for its pre-med program around the world. The university offers strong pre-med advising through the Pre-Health Mentoring Office, which assists students with academic planning and the medical school application process. Emory’s close relationship with the Emory University School of Medicine and the affiliated Emory Healthcare network provides abundant opportunities for clinical experience and research and is known as one of the best pre-med programs in the South, second only to Duke University. The university’s commitment to community service and global health also enhances the pre-med experience and is an excellent choice as well for those considering a career in Public Health.


Selecting the right pre-med college is a critical decision for students aiming for a career in medicine. The best pre-med programs will give you the best chance of succeeding as you move forward.  These 16 are among the top pre-med programs that excel in preparing students for medical school. These universities not only offer outstanding academic and extracurricular opportunities but also cultivate the skills and experiences necessary for success in the medical field and beyond.

Like more bespoke help with your college applications? I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer + a Harvard graduate, and specialize helping students interested in any major, and with all of the top schools.

Contact me today at: www.IvyCollegeEssay.com for a free consultaiton, and let me help you GET INTO THE SCHOOL OF YOUR DREAMS!

If you like this article, check out my other blog posts as well, such as:

  1. What To Do If You’re Waitlisted
  2. The Best Engineering Colleges in the US

And you can also buy my book on Amazon!  THE IVY LEAGUE COLLEGE ADMISSIONS GUIDEBOOK, at this link here: https://amzn.to/3UKaCEN


25 03, 2024

Ivy Admissions Day

By |2024-03-25T12:57:38-04:00March 25th, 2024|College Admissions, Ivy Leage Admissions, Ivy League|0 Comments

Ivy Admissions Day

Understanding Ivy Admissions Day

For countless high school seniors, the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and aspirations is encapsulated in a single day known as Ivy Admissions Day. This potentially life-changing day, eagerly anticipated and nervously awaited, marks the announcement of admission decisions from the Ivy League universities and a handful of other colleges. With hearts pounding and anticipation building, students across the globe brace themselves for the unveiling of their fate and where they will spend the next four years.

Anticipation Builds

Ivy Admissions Day, this year falling on March 28th, is an event shrouded in significance. It represents the culmination of a rigorous and often anxiety-inducing college application process. For many, the dream of attending an Ivy League college is intertwined with years of academic striving, extracurricular achievements, pain, stress, heartache, excellence, drive, ambition and personal growth. As such, Ivy Admissions Day transcends mere college admissions; it symbolizes the realization of lifelong dreams and the opening of doors to boundless opportunities.

And, it is also incredibly important to parents!

The Moment Arrives

Leading up to Ivy Admissions Day, the atmosphere is charged with anticipation. Students refresh their email inboxes incessantly, hoping for the arrival of that pivotal message containing their admission decision. The wait can feel interminable, filled with a rollercoaster of emotions ranging from hope to apprehension. It’s a time of reflection, of considering the paths that lie ahead, and of grappling with the uncertainty of the future.

Unbelievable Joy… or Heartache?

For those fortunate enough to receive the coveted acceptance letter on Ivy Admissions Day, the moment is nothing short of euphoric. It’s a culmination of years of hard work, sacrifices, and unwavering determination. The realization that they will be joining the ranks of some of the world’s most prestigious academic institutions is both humbling and exhilarating. Amidst the celebrations and congratulatory messages, Ivy Day becomes a memory etched in their minds forever—a testament to their resilience and perseverance.

However, Ivy Admissions Day isn’t solely a day of triumph; it’s also a day marked by disappointment for many. Receiving a rejection or waitlist notification can be crushing, shattering the dreams of attending one’s dream school. In the aftermath of such news, students grapple with a myriad of emotions, from sadness and frustration to questioning their self-worth and accomplishments. Yet, amidst the heartache, Ivy Day serves as a lesson in resilience and fortitude, prompting individuals to recalibrate their aspirations and embrace the alternate paths that lie ahead.

Broader Significance

Beyond the individual experiences, Ivy Admissions Day holds broader significance within the realm of higher education. It underscores the fierce competition and selectivity inherent in the college admissions process, highlighting the disparities in access and opportunities faced by aspiring students. The outcomes of Ivy Day spark discussions on equity, privilege, and the need for systemic changes within the education system to ensure a more level playing field for all.

The Power of Education

Moreover, Ivy Day serves as a reminder of the transformative power of education. It symbolizes the pursuit of knowledge, the quest for excellence, and the belief in the limitless potential of the human spirit. While the Ivy League institutions may represent the pinnacle of academic achievement for some, Ivy Day transcends the confines of elite universities, resonating with students from all walks of life who dare to dream and strive for a brighter future.

Now, Embracing the Aftermath…

So, what comes after Ivy Admissions Day?

Regardless of the outcome of Ivy Day, it’s essential to take a moment to reflect on your journey. Celebrate your achievements and the effort you’ve put forth in reaching this milestone.

If you’ve received an acceptance, embrace the opportunities that lie ahead with enthusiasm and determination. Prepare yourself for the exciting challenges and experiences that await you in college.

If you find yourself facing disappointment though, remember that Ivy Day is just one chapter in your story. Use this moment to reaffirm your goals, explore alternative pathways, and continue pursuing your passions with resilience and perseverance.


I work with a lot of students who didn’t get into an Ivy League college on the first try, but then DID get in their second year as a transfer student!  It can be done!  Even transferring to a school like Princeton or Harvard, as I help students do just that every year.

So, just know your dream does not have to die.  Really.  If you didn’t get in this year, this is just a second chance.  I’m happy to talk to you or your parents and just have a (completely free) consultation over the phone and discuss your options and possibilities — it is completely true that there are ALWAYS possibilities!

So, as you move forward from Ivy Admissions Day, hold your head high, stay true to yourself, and embrace the journey ahead with optimism and courage.  Good luck to those who succeeded, and to those of you who still have questions or want to speak to someone knowledgeable about your chances of trying again, reach out today!

I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer and a Harvard graduate, and I specialize in all of the top schools. You can reach me through my website: www.IvyCollegeEssay.com and let me help you get into the school of your dreams!

If you like this article, check out my other blog posts, such as:

  1. What To Do If You’re Waitlisted
  2. Best Engineering Colleges in the US
21 01, 2024

Best Engineering Colleges in the US

By |2024-05-14T18:45:34-04:00January 21st, 2024|Berkeley, college, College Admissions, Columbia, Cornell, Duke, Engineering Colleges, Harvard, Ivy Leage Admissions, Ivy League, Ivy League College, Michigan, MIT, NYU, Princeton, Stanford, UCLA, UPenn, Yale|8 Comments

Best Engineering Colleges in the US

When it comes to pursuing a career in engineering, choosing the right college can be a crucial decision that shapes your academic journey and professional future. The United States boasts numerous highly competitive schools known for their excellence in engineering and education. In this article, we will delve into the top 21 engineering colleges in the US, exploring their unique features, Ivy League distinction, college prep programs, and the competitive admissions process.

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Topping the list is MIT, renowned globally for its cutting-edge research and innovation in engineering. With a rigorous curriculum and state-of-the-art facilities, MIT consistently produces top-tier engineers.

2. Stanford University

Stanford’s School of Engineering stands out for its interdisciplinary approach and emphasis on entrepreneurship. The university fosters a dynamic environment where students can engage in groundbreaking projects and collaborate across various disciplines.

3. California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

Caltech’s commitment to a personalized learning experience shines through its small class sizes and a favorable student-to-faculty ratio. The institution is celebrated for its hands-on research and scientific exploration.

4. Columbia University

Columbia’s Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science offers a diverse range of engineering programs. The Ivy League institution’s global perspective and emphasis on research contribute to a transformative educational experience.

5. University of Pennsylvania

As an Ivy League institution, the University of Pennsylvania provides a well-rounded engineering education. The college’s focus on interdisciplinary studies and global perspectives equips students with a holistic understanding of engineering principles.

6. Johns Hopkins University

Renowned for its research-intensive programs, Johns Hopkins University brings innovation and a collaborative environment to engineering education. The university’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of knowledge enhances the learning experience.

7. Princeton University

Princeton’s engineering program combines theoretical knowledge with practical applications. The Ivy League institution emphasizes research opportunities, encouraging students to explore their interests beyond the classroom.

8. Yale University

Yale’s School of Engineering and Applied Science brings a rich history and commitment to academic excellence. With a focus on interdisciplinary studies, Yale prepares engineers to tackle complex challenges in a global context.

9. New York University (NYU)

NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering offers a dynamic and inclusive learning environment. The university’s location in the heart of New York City provides students with unique opportunities for industry connections and real-world applications.

10. Brown University

Brown’s School of Engineering is known for its innovative programs and collaborative research initiatives. The university’s commitment to fostering a vibrant community of engineers enhances the overall learning experience.

11. University of Michigan – Ann Arbor

The College of Engineering at U-M Ann Arbor is recognized for its cutting-edge research and collaborative atmosphere. With a range of engineering disciplines, students have ample opportunities to specialize in their areas of interest.

12. University of California, Berkeley

Known for its diverse and vibrant campus, UC Berkeley offers a robust engineering curriculum. The college’s commitment to inclusivity and innovation creates an environment conducive to academic and personal growth.

13. Georgia Institute of Technology (GA Tech)

Georgia Tech’s engineering programs are characterized by a strong emphasis on industry connections and experiential learning. The college prep initiatives ensure that students are well-prepared for the demands of the engineering field.

14. University of Southern California (USC)

USC’s Viterbi School of Engineering is known for its innovative programs and research initiatives. The college’s strong ties to industry provide students with valuable opportunities for internships and practical experience.

15. University of Texas at Austin

UT Austin’s Cockrell School of Engineering stands out for its commitment to addressing global challenges through engineering solutions. The college’s diverse student body and faculty enrich the educational experience.

16. Texas A&M University

Texas A&M’s College of Engineering emphasizes leadership and service alongside technical excellence. The college’s commitment to preparing engineers for societal challenges sets it apart in the engineering education landscape.

17. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

UCLA’s Samueli School of Engineering offers a comprehensive range of engineering disciplines. The college’s emphasis on research and collaboration prepares students for success in the rapidly evolving field of engineering.

18. Cornell University

Cornell’s College of Engineering is known for its dedication to pushing the boundaries of knowledge. The Ivy League institution encourages students to engage in cutting-edge research and explore the intersections of various disciplines.

19. Northwestern University

Northwestern’s McCormick School of Engineering offers a forward-thinking curriculum with a focus on innovation and entrepreneurship. The university’s commitment to fostering a supportive community enhances the overall learning experience.

20. Duke University

Duke’s Pratt School of Engineering is known for its innovative programs and collaborative research initiatives. The university’s commitment to fostering a vibrant community of engineers enhances the overall learning experience.

21. Purdue University

Falling in at #21 on the list, Purdue is certainly worth inclusion.  Purdue’s program in my opinion is just as strong as a school like GA Tech, for example, and yet it is slightly easier to get into.  If you feel you’re not competitive enough for MIT, but are competitive for more upper mid-range engineering programs or at least want to give it your best shot, Purdue is known for placing their engineering grads in excellent positions in the work force and should also be on your list.


The journey to becoming a successful engineer begins with choosing the right college. The top 21 engineering colleges in the US with their various Ivy League credentials, internship opportunities, special engineering programs and niches, and extremely competitive admissions processes, offer a rich tapestry of opportunities for aspiring engineers. Whether it’s MIT’s innovation hub, Stanford’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, or Cornell’s gaming concentration, each institution on this list contributes uniquely to the landscape of engineering education in the United States, and may you make the best choice for yourself, movig forward!

Like more help with your college applications this year?  I work with all majors, as well as transfer students. Contact me today for a free consultation at www.IvyCollegeEssay.com and get into the school of your dreams!

Check out my other blog articles, as well:

  1. How to Transfer to Columbia University
  2. What Each Ivy League School is Known For
  3. How to Get Into Yale
15 12, 2023

What to Do if You Are Waitlisted – Ivy League College Admissions

By |2023-12-15T12:34:29-05:00December 15th, 2023|College Admissions, Early Action, Early Decision, Harvard, Ivy Leage Admissions, Ivy League Advice, Ivy League College, Waitlisted|4 Comments

What to Do if You Are Waitlisted – Ivy League College Admissions

Letter of Continued Interest: The College Waitlist

What to do if you are waitlisted?  College waitlists can be a frustrating experience for students. After putting in countless hours of hard work on their college applications, being put on a waitlist can feel like rejection. However, being waitlisted is not necessarily the end of the road. In fact, there are steps  students (i.e. YOU)  can take right now to increase your chances of getting off the waitlist and accepted — one of which is to write a letter of continued interest.

A letter of continued interest is exactly what it sounds like – a letter that expresses continued interest in attending a particular college or university.

It is a way for students to update the admissions committee on any new (read: impressive) developments since they submitted their application the first time, as well as reiterate their desire and commitment to attend the school if allowed to attend.

Here are some tips on how to write a good or effective letter of continued interest, and yes, it is something you should absolutely do. ++ I help with these letters for a flat rate of $150, if you want to contact me directly via the contact info at the top of my website: www.IvyCollegeEssay.com


Now, here is how to write your letter of continued interest:

1. Keep it concise and to the point

Admissions committees are busy and have a lot of applications to review, so it’s important to keep your letter brief and to the point. Start with a short introduction and then get straight to the updates you want to share. Make sure you express your continued interest in attending the school, but avoid repeating information that was already included in your original application. Your letter should not be more than 1 page, and ideally, not more than 1-2 paragraphs tops.

2. Highlight any new accomplishments or achievements

This is important!  Since submitting your application, have you won any awards, received any special recognition, or taken on any new leadership roles? Use your letter of continued interest to highlight these accomplishments and explain how they demonstrate your continued commitment to your education and personal growth.

3. Be specific about why you want to attend the school

Use your letter of continued interest as an opportunity to reaffirm why you want to attend the school in question. Be specific about what draws you to the school and what you hope to gain from your education there. Do some research on the school’s programs, faculty, and resources, and use this information to tailor your letter to the specific school.

4. Show enthusiasm and passion

Admissions committees want to see that you are truly excited about the prospect of attending their school. Use your letter to demonstrate your enthusiasm and passion for your field of study and your desire to learn and grow as a student. Be genuine in your tone and avoid sounding too rehearsed or formulaic.

5. Follow up appropriately. Appropriately being the key word!

After you’ve sent your letter of continued interest, it’s important to follow up ONLY if you have additional, significant updates since your last letter. Be mindful of the admissions committee’s time however as more than 2 letters post-waitlist, unless you’ve published a book, or won the Noble Prize is really being too aggressive. The adcom is BUSY.  We all know you want to go to your targeted school more than anything, but don’t be too desperate — as in dating, it will get you rejected.

In conclusion, being waitlisted can be a disappointing experience, but it’s important to remember that it’s not the end of the road.

By writing a well-crafted letter of continued interest, you can increase your chances of getting accepted off the waitlist and ultimately achieving your goal of attending your desired school. Keep these tips in mind when crafting your letter, and remember to be genuine, passionate, and specific in your communication. Good luck!

[Want more help with your letter or your college application essays in general?  Contact me for a free consultation today at www.IvyCollegeEssay.com and get into the school of your dreams!]

Check out these other blog articles as well:

  1. How to Get Off Harvard’s Waitlist
  2. Want to Transfer to an Ivy League College — There’s Still Hope!
  3. The Best Ivy League College Admissions Blog
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