A 10 page PDF highlighting the top Ivy League college admissions interview questions and the strategies you need to succeed! A small pdf, but packs a big punch. Written by myself: a former Harvard interviewer and Harvard grad!
IVY LEAGUE College Admissions Interview Tips eBook!
By Ivy League Essay|2023-11-06T03:30:09-05:00November 11th, 2019|Comments Off on IVY LEAGUE College Admissions Interview Tips eBook!
About the Author: Ivy League Essay
![Ivy League Essay](https://i0.wp.com/ivycollegeessay.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/harvard_logo2.png?fit=72%2C68&ssl=1)
Jillian Ivy is a former Harvard admissions interviewer and Harvard graduate and is the CEO of the award-winning Ivy League college admission firm: IVY LEAGUE ESSAY CONSULTING. She writes about what it takes to get into the most competitive colleges in the United States and works with students worldwide.