How to Prepare for Your Ivy League Interview
How to Prepare for Your Ivy League Interview.
You need to be prepared for your college admissions interview, or everything else will have been for naught: blow the interview, blow your chances!
That’s why I advocate that students BE PREPARED! This is a downloadable 10 page PDF eBook highlighting all of the my best Ivy League college admissions interview questions and strategies. A small PDF, but it packs a BIG PUNCH if you’re applying to an Ivy League college, or any other competitive school this year…this $20 ebook will help you get in.
Expertly written by myself: a former Harvard admissions interviewer, and Harvard grad, and compiled from my experience interviewing for Harvard University’s College of Arts & Sciences.
Click the PAYPAL button BELOW, and get your eBook today!
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IVY LEAGUE Interview Tips eBook!
A 10 page PDF highlighting the top Ivy League interview questions and strategies you need to succeed! A small pdf, but packs a big punch. Written by myself: a former Harvard interviewer and Harvard grad!
Click the PURCHASE button to get it today!