14 08, 2022

How to Choose a Topic for Your Common App

By |2022-09-13T23:51:31-04:00August 14th, 2022|college, College Admissions, Common App, Ivy League Advice|1 Comment

How to Choose a Topic for Your Common App

1. The Easy Way:

Picking a topic for your Common App essay is easy — but choosing the RIGHT topic for your Common App, as you probably know, as otherwise you wouldn’t be googling this question, is really very hard! The right topic is extremely important as the topic choice itself can make or break your entire application.  Literally.

As the Common App goes to all of your schools, instead of just one school, like your supplementals, mess this essay up and you can really hurt your overall chances.

No worries though, as I’m going to walk you through the process of how to choose a really strong topic for your Common App!

Brainstorming Common App Topics + Ideas

Make a list — on your phone, on a separate piece of paper, in a Word document, basically anywhere you keep a running “topic idea” list and refer back to it adding more ideas over the next few days as we think about this.  Number your list, say 1-5 to start, and just write one short sentence for each “idea” you have.

Don’t be afraid to write down BAD ideas, too. Just get 5 ideas down on paper.  Sometimes, as all good writers know, the bad ideas can lead to good ideas, which can lead to really good ideas down the road.  You need to let yourself get the bad ideas just out of your head.

Next, review your Common App idea list

Does it really suck?  What’s your best topic of the five?  Is there even one that stands out?  To help with brainstorming ideas, these are the things you should think about:

  • What makes you unique?  What’s something in your identity, your culture, your religion, your language, your family, your history that’s different than say the girl who sits next to you in class. In picking topics, look for those things that make you DIFFERENT
  • Do you have a talent or skill in a certain area that is unusual?
  • Do you have a story about something that happened to you that is unusual?
  • Do you play a sport or practice an art form that is unusual?

Let’s start with that.  You can see that the key word here is “unusual”.  Schools, especially the Ivy League, but this goes for all schools, like to see essays focused on what you think makes you different.  In other words, all of the schools are looking for personal identity, personal voice.

Start writing out your best Common App topic

Again, even if it’s BAD!  You just want to start getting something down on paper, because in writing you’ll start to see if you just “think” the topic is stupid (bad, horrible, boring) or if it truly, objectively doesn’t work as a topic.  If it doesn’t work as a Common App topic, continue reading….

Think of Metaphors:

Metaphors are things that can mean one thing on the surface and another underneath.  In other words, they are symbols.  The Ivy League schools in particular LOVE Common App essays that use metaphors.

So, for example, let’s say you have a love for boatbuilding (an unusual activity for a teenager, right?) and you spend every afternoon after school in your backyard teaching yourself how to build a boat.  This is interesting.  This already has gotten an admission reader’s attention.  Good job!

But, now let’s say that after talking about boat building in your essay, you also start using the boat as a metaphor, for say, building your own identity.  Each piece of wood represents a different part of yourself as you learn how to make all the pieces fit and create a beautiful vessel.

You then use the turning of the wood, the pressure that needs to be applied to make pieces of wet wood curve, as a way to talk about how the pressure in your own life, of adversity, or things you’ve might have gone through, have also now added to your own ability to be more malleable, and in better shape to go on to future things.

So, if you didn’t get a good Common App topic from the first 5 in your list of brainstorming ideas, now go back and do the list again, but this time think of 5 things you can use as metaphors.

That should set you on a good path to at least get started thinking about your Common App.  I also offer personalized help with choosing your Common App topic for anyone who wants to learn more about my services, and work with me on your application essays.

[I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer and a Harvard grad, and run the Ivy League college admissions firm www.IvyCollegeEssay.com. Contact me today for a free consultation and get into the school of your dreams!]

If you like this article, check out my other posts for great Ivy League college admissions tips and advice, including my recent post on Ivy League Early Decision!

22 10, 2021

Ivy League Early Decision?

By |2022-10-04T10:50:11-04:00October 22nd, 2021|Brown, College Admissions, Columbia, Common App, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Ivy League, The Harvard Admissions Interview, Yale|0 Comments

Ivy League Early Decision: Nov 1 Deadline!

Ivy League Early Decision applications are due Nov 1.

With only one week left, what can you do to make sure your college admissions essays are in the best state possible to secure your chances of getting into the Ivy League?  Read on for the “Top Ten” tips for Early Decision from a former Harvard Interviewer:


  1. Early Decision Tip #1: Only submit your best work. Yes, early decision will help you, but if you’re struggling to finish your college admissions essays on time, just to get in by the deadline, and as a result are submitting sub-par, or what you know is not your best work, it is better to WAIT and submit regular decision, than get rejected now because you ran out of time.


  1. Early Decision Tip #2: Make sure you’ve chosen the best school for your early decision (or early action) pick! I usually tell my students who work with me via my Ivy League College Admissions Consulting service, that you want to pick the most difficult school on your list for early decision, because it will give you a slight (slight! as in many 5-10%) boost to your chances, BUT you don’t want to “waste” your decision if you truly, truly, don’t have a fighting chance of being competitive for the school.


That means if you know your GPA isn’t stellar, or maybe your SAT score isn’t what would normally be considered “solid” or “high” then your chances of getting into Harvard, or Princeton University are going to be way less, and you need to carefully rethink your decision, and you would be missing out on getting in to Columbia University, for example, or UPenn, or Cornell = all Ivy League schools, and extremely competitive, but sometimes slightly easier to get into than Harvard, Stanford, or Princeton.


My caveat?  Choose wisely.


  1. Early Decision Tip #3: Ok, and now for the actual essay tips — DO NOT REPEAT YOURSELF IN YOUR ADMISSIONS ESSAYS! Repeating yourself is one of the seven deadly sins of college applications. Then Each essay is an opportunity to reveal a different side of yourself.  Don’t waste that opportunity to reiterate something you already talked about somewhere else and It will count against you.


  1. Early Decision Tip #4: If you’re a legacy SAY IT. I know in this day and age we all like to think that everything is above board and equal, but the truth is, the Ivy League schools still value legacy. That means if your mom or dad went to Harvard, as with your Early Decision choice, it will give you a slight boost.  However, for all those who are not legacy, that doesn’t mean you’re out of the running.  It doesn’t even mean you’ll be looked over in favor of someone who is — it just means that if you have a family member who graduated from the school, also take advantage of the “boost” and make sure you say it within one of the essays, and not just on the application.


  1. Early Decision Tip #5: As with the above, if you are ranked nationally as an athlete in any sport, SAY IT. I’m surprised how many students have very significant achievements in all kinds of athletics, but, because they are not being actively recruited, think this just doesn’t matter. It matters.  As with everything else above, it will give you a “boost.”  You want the boost.


  1. Early Decision Tip #6: Make sure you are choosing the strongest topic for your Common App essay! The Common App essay, as all of you reading this know, is THE most important part of your college application after your grades + SAT / ACT. You better make sure you have chosen the best topic for you.  The most common mistake I see with my students, over and over again, is choosing a weak topic.  If you’re not sure and if your topic is weak or not, seek out someone like me, and I will be happy to tell you.  As you can see in the link below, I offer free consultations.  Did you hear that?  That’s FREE.


  1. Early Decision Tip #7: Always take advantage of any “additional information” essay and do it. Each essay, again, is an opportunity to show a different side of yourself. Why would you not take this opportunity and, tell the admissions committee even more?


  1. Early Decision Tip #8: The Ivy League schools want to see how sophisticated you are in your tastes. In other words, cultured. That means that supplemental questions, or questions on the Common App application itself that ask you to list books or TV shows, should be filled in with books and shows that are more intellectual in nature.  That’s what they’re looking for! If your whole list fills with pop culture teenage nonsense then you should think twice. The list is really a trick question Or Have doubts if your lists pass the test? Ask me.


  1. Early Decision Tip #9: Use your supplemental essays to show the admissions committee and what makes you unique. You want to use the essays as an opportunity to again showcase the most unique and interesting aspects of yourself. “Interesting” is the key word and also think about something you do. Or participate in what makes you different than your peers. Or is it something you have achieved at a very high level?



  1. Early Decision Tip #10: The order of your “Activities List” on the Common App matters! Again, you want to put the MOST INTERESTING activity at the top. Not necessarily but the thing you spend the most time doing and Remember, everything about your college application. Especially, if you are applying to the Ivy League (or Ivy League competitive schools) that is about showing the admissions committee who you are, as well as, why admitting you to their very select class, and, will only make their class better.


Good luck, and reach out to me if you’re looking for more bespoke Ivy League college admissions support or advice.  Thinking of transferring?  Check out my blog post here: Transferring to the Ivy League?

I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer and Harvard grad, and run my Ivy League College Admissions Essay Consulting firm: www.IvyCollegeEssay.com out of NYC,  and work with students all over the world.  Contact me today for a free consultation, and get into the Ivy League!

*Interested in getting your MBA degree and want to go to a top business school? www.MBAIvy.com

24 08, 2021

SAT vs ACT: What’s the difference? Which should I take?

By |2022-10-02T13:34:15-04:00August 24th, 2021|College Admissions, Common App, Harvard, Ivy League, Yale|0 Comments

Previously, there was never a question as to which one to take, most high school students took both. But now things are a little different with some colleges adopting test-optional or test-blind policies. Test-optional means the college doesn’t require testing but will take your scores into account if you submit them. Test-blind means that standardized tests such as the ACT and/or SAT will not even be considered during the admissions process.

It’s important to know what the policies are for the Ivy Leagues or elite Top 20 universities that are on your list. It’s good to check periodically because right now policies are changing daily! Many of the Ivy League schools currently have test-optional policies for now. But don’t overlook that it can only help your application if you study hard and get great scores on the SAT/ACT to submit!

The SAT and the ACT share quite a bit similarities – both tests have optional essays, math sections, reading comprehension sections, grammar sections. The essays for both are different, not harder or easier but just different. The ACT also does focus on slightly more complex math problems. It has a science section which is related to graphs and charts. The ACT is much more fast-paced. It can add to the stress if you can’t remained on task and focused during the test.

In order to gauge which one you think you would do best on. Buy or check out the latest official testing booklets for each. That alone may convince you which one makes the most sense. You can also take free practice exams online to see if that changes your mind.

Testing can be very stressful but remember that your application is made up of much more than standardized test scores. Make sure you continue to challenge yourself in your High School classes and maintain a stellar GPA. I can help you with showcasing yourself in the best light at the colleges. These are mostly in line with you as a whole person.

Reach out now for a free consultation at: www.IvyCollegeEssay.com and let me help you achieve your dream of getting into a great top college or the Ivy League! Also check out my Blog that is full of helpful information, including Things You Can Do to Boost Your Ivy League Application!.

16 12, 2019

Rejected Early Decision? Ivy League College Admission Help

By |2022-10-04T10:09:44-04:00December 16th, 2019|Brown, College Admissions, Columbia, Common App, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Ivy League, Yale|0 Comments

A lot of students this week rejected from their early decision (ED) schools, and the heartbreak is horrible. Maybe it was a “reach” school, maybe it was Princeton or Harvard or Brown University, or maybe you just really, really wanted to go there from the time you were 8.

Getting rejected from your first choice college though, doesn’t mean you can’t still get in to a really good school — To make sure you don’t make the same mistake TWICE that you want to take a serious look (or have someone like me) at your previous application and essays.

Often, the essays are the reason people rejected from their Early Decision schools. When everything else in their application (their stats, SAT scores, grades, extracurriculars, rec letters, etc) are stellar and up to par.  It comes down to the writing, and more specifically.

This is good news and bad news.  The good news is, you can change or revise your essay now. Before you submit to your other schools and make the same mistake twice.  The bad news is, you have to be confident enough to know that maybe you don’t know how an essay really “reads” via the college’s admission office, and you should seek out someone who does know how things work, so pure pride and “but I liked my essay” doesn’t get in your own way.

I will repeat myself: most often, when everything else in a student’s background is “good” or even “excellent”. At the level, it needs the school targeted. The reason for the college’s Early Decision rejection is The Common App Essay.

So, my one piece of advice to any of you who just rejected by your Early Decision school. And are now maybe panicking a little as you apply to your other schools. If you have the resources, take the time to reach out and have someone like myself (a former Harvard admissions interviewer + Harvard grad) look over your “rejected” Early Decisions application. And tell you what you need to do or change.

A huge number of my students go on to get in to ALL of their other schools.  The worst thing you can do if you rejected my friends, is nothing.  If it didn’t work the first time, something needs to change.  My advice = figure out what that is.

An Early Decision rejection is a warning shot.  Heed it, and make the changes.  Otherwise, you’re only throwing the same dart at the college. Or even Ivy League college board, and just hoping it will stick.

[I’m a former Harvard interviewer and Harvard grad, and currently run the top Ivy League College Admissions Firm: www.IvyCollegeEssay.com out of Manhattan.  I work with the top students all over the world.  Contact me today for a free consultation, and get into the school of your dreams!]




2 12, 2019

The Ivy League College Admissions Essay That Will Get You Into Harvard

By |2023-08-24T17:37:32-04:00December 2nd, 2019|College Admissions, Common App, Harvard, Ivy League|1 Comment

The Ivy League College Admissions Essay Examples That Will Get You Into Harvard

This is a strong example of a successful Harvard admissions essay, and I will be posting examples this week of admission College Essay Examples from other Ivy League schools like Princeton, Yale, Columbia and Brown, that got people in.

The College Essay Ivy League was written by a student named Calvin Heiman, to give credit where credit is due.  However, as a former Harvard admissions interviewer, had this come across my desk while I was interviewing for the university (and if everything else in his application was super strong) he would have gotten my recommendation to admit.

Here is his Common App Essay in its entirety. It has everything I was trained by Harvard admissions to look for: originality, personal emotion, serious challenge, and adversity. Yet his positive outlook comes through, and he creates a great, and thoughtful. The somewhat whimsical conclusion at the end ties everything together. In other words, he paints a great picture with words.

More so, his Common App essay really gives us a sense of who this person is: what he values, the tastes and flavors of his world (literally), and once again, his positive outlook, despite real, serious hardship going on in his family.

And now for the essay, so you can see a prime example of what a strong essay looks like. If you’re trying to get in to an Ivy League college this year.  Here it is!

I love pasta.

I’m not Italian, nor do I know anyone who is. I’m a half-Polish, half-German kid from Boulder, Colorado. I should instead crave perogies, wienerschnitzel, or maybe vegan avocado toast sprinkled with microgreens.

So why exactly do I love pasta? Memories.

When I was seven, my favorite restaurant, Noodles, had mac-n-cheese that was legendary. However, it played second fiddle to Pasta Fresca. My little secret that hid down on the bottom right of the menu. I would order it every time, exactly the same: extra tomatoes, half spinach, double feta. Perfection.

But with my insatiable desire for perfection, came complications; it was impossible for a seven-year-old to routinely find his way to Noodles, come up with $8.50, and convince the cashier that No, I am not lost, and Yes, I know the feta will cost extra. Therefore, I had to get creative. Armed with a to-go menu and one brief shopping trip later, I attempted to make Pasta Fresca. I unfortunately learned, however, that an ingredient list alone contains no indication of measurement; a teaspoon quickly turns into a tablespoon. The result was a soupy, vinegary mess. That magic touch, that fresca, was missing. In fact, calling it Pasta Fresca would’ve been a crime. 

Five years later, that warm glow of pride of my foray into Pasta Fresca was long gone. I had hit rock bottom. It was winter and I was living with my best friend. Sledding, snowball fights, and hot cocoa filled our days. So, how does a twelve-year-old living his dream hit rock bottom?


My brother Klaus was diagnosed with a rare form of childhood sarcoma that forced my family to New York City for treatment, while I was stuck in cold Colorado. Days bled into weeks, weeks into months of simply grinding away at school, craving the comfort of sleep, where I could forget my anxiety for a while. My sole comfort, the one thing that turned the worst of weeks into something bearable, was Gruffalo Pasta.

Contrary to the name, it contained no mythical beast; it was simply penne with meat sauce, and yet there was something magical about it. Every Friday night, my friend’s family and I would sit down and eat Gruffalo Pasta with their famous garlic cheesy bread (worthy of its own essay). Laughs rang out as we played games, watched movies, and went sledding–we would be a family. Although my real family was thousands of miles away, every Friday night, home felt tangible.

When my family returned, spring gave way to summer, and with it came neverending afternoons of skinned knees, balls lost over fences, new neighborhood friends, and Mac n’ Cheese. We ripped through box after box, new faces cycling through the kitchen as mac n’ cheese lunches became a neighborhood tradition. There was a sense of independence that came with it, as us kids cooked it ourselves–exactly how we liked it. We added extra butter and milk, peas, chicken, bacon; whatever our little hearts desired. The days seemed infinite, brimming with possibility and spontaneity, with the comfort that there was always a mac n’ cheese lunch at someone’s house to look forward to.

Pasta continues to weave its thread through my life, from the Christmas dinners of Pasta Puttanesca, my pesto business started in 8th grade, gifts of exotic pasta and sauces for my birthday, to the cross-country team’s pasta parties. Pasta is a narrative tightly intertwin. It’s for good in the world. Whether it be memories, hope for the future, or simple joys, find that good that drives your every day. I say you need look no further than what is in front of you. I found that goodness in a bowl of pasta.

So, to conclude, this essay is solid. Of course his supplemental essays would also have to be equally solid. And show different and unique alternative sides of his experience and personality. But in terms of just looking at a strong Common App essay, it’s a good example.

I will be posting successful essays from each Ivy League college over the next few weeks, so you can see what works (and maybe what doesn’t), so subscribe to my blog, or follow my Ivy League subreddit on Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/ivyleaguecollege/  and stay tuned!

Applying to college this year?  I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer + Harvard grad, and run the award-winning Ivy League college admission consulting firm: www.IvyCollegeEssay.com Contact me today for a free consultation, and get into the school of your dreams!]

Are you a parent looking for Ivy League college help?  Check out my blog article here, especially for parents!: https://ivycollegeessay.com/2015/05/31/how-to-prepare-your-kids-for-an-ivy-league-college-education/

Learn How Ivy College Essays Can Help You With Ivy League College Essays

Elevate Your Application with Expert Ivy College Essay Assistance:

Crafting a winning Ivy League application requires a strategic approach, and I am here to guide you every step of the way. My experience as a college essay consultant is dedicated to helping you create standout Ivy League college essays that capture the attention of admissions committees. From mastering Ivy essay prompts to shaping your Ivy League application, I offer personalized assistance tailored to your unique journey. I specialize in optimizing Ivy League admit essays, ensuring your application showcases your strengths, achievements, and aspirations in a compelling narrative.

Personalized College Essay Consulting for Ivy League Success:

Personalized college essay consulting for Ivy League success. Navigating the competitive world of Ivy League admissions requires a strategic approach, and I am here to be your trusted partner. My college essay consulting services encompass every facet of the application process. Whether you’re honing your essay writing skills for Ivy college essays or seeking advice on Ivy League applications, I provide tailored guidance to enhance your application’s impact.

Unleash Your Potential with Comprehensive Essay Consulting:

Unleash your potential with comprehensive essay consulting. At Ivy College Essays, I’m not just about crafting essays – I’m about unlocking your potential for Ivy League success. My comprehensive approach covers Ivy League admissions essays, Princeton transfer essays, and more, ensuring that every aspect of your application aligns with your aspirations. I act as a mentor, guiding you through Ivy league essay prompts and providing valuable insights for Harvard transfer essay examples that make an impact.

29 11, 2019

Things You Can Do to Boost Your Ivy League Application!

By |2022-10-04T05:11:11-04:00November 29th, 2019|Brown, College Admissions, Columbia, Common App, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Ivy League, The Harvard Admissions Interview, Yale|1 Comment

If you’re applying to an Ivy League college you already know that high grades, tons of AP classes, stellar SAT scores, unique extracurriculars, and fantastic teacher recs can all play a role in your application and acceptance to some of the most prestigious colleges in America. Read the following things that can help you to Boost Your Ivy League Application.

The following are top ten tips though that you may not have thought of that when, combined with the standard qualifications above (i.e. stellar GPA, etc), can actually serve to help you get in!

  1. Social Media:  Schools check.  So, that said, you want to make sure that there is nothing crude or lewd on your facebook page and you’re not making extreme non-pc comments all over twitter.  It’s okay to show yourself having fun with your friends, and you certainly don’t have to show yourself as 100% scholarly and serious (it is a social outlet, after all), and you’re even allowed to have an opinion that maybe other people don’t necessarily agree with, but just keep in mind that the college admission officers are trying to get a sneak peak and quick overview of who you might be online. If you think your fb page shows you as an all around great person with dedicated intellectual and creative interests and great humanitarian projects under your belt (and on your page) then let them look.  It could help you.  More often than not though, it won’t.  Personally, I’d set my fb page to private right now to block anyone who isn’t a known friend. After all, why take the risk?
  2. Send your interviewer a thank you email: This is another tip that some might think of, and some won’t.  Sending a very BRIEF thank you, if you do in fact have your interviewer’s email address (some schools do not make this available). This is a sign of having good manners, which translates into a sign of strong upbringing and class.  The Ivy League especially is deciding whether you fit into their school culture. Not only if you have the grades to succeed.  Sending a thank you (just 2-3 sentences at most- don’t go longer) can leave a positive impression in your interviewer’s eyes. And that translates to a positive feeling when they sit down to report on their interview with you. This can help to get you in!
  3. Mention legacy:  Do you have a family member who went to the school?  If not that that particular college, did they go to another college within the Ivy League.  If so, mention it.  Don’t feel like you’re bragging.  The Ivy League universities value “legacies” highly. So even though it’s usually a question on the application, mention it during your college interview, as well. The Ivy League in particular loves tradition and preserving and honoring family lines.  If your mom went to Columbia and your dad is a Harvard grad = mention it.  Believe me, it will help.
  4. Mention 1st Generation: As an alternative to the above, perhaps you’re the first one in your family to ever even go to college!  If this is you, don’t worry, MENTION IT – somewhere in your essays.  Again, this will only help you.
  5. Are you a twin? Yes, I know this one isn’t going to apply to most people, but it’s worth mentioning. The Ivy League in particular loves admitting twins who are equally ambitious and have the required credentials.  So, if you’re a twin – identically or fraternal – this should be everywhere in your college essays, and specifically at least mentioned in you Common App.   The colleges like anything and everything that makes you unique. And having a twin or sibling that is going to be in the same incoming calls puts you in that “special and unique” category. Especially if you’re special and unique and can stand out in others areas, as well!

Those are just a few helpful tips that you might not find elsewhere regarding how to make your college applications. And especially your Ivy League college applications stand out even more.

Stay tuned in the coming days for even more, and check out my other Ivy League Essay articles, here: https://ivycollegeess.wpengine.com/2017/05/01/top-5-books-to-read-before-applying-to-an-ivy-league-college/

[I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer and a Harvard graduate, and currently run the Ivy League Essay college admissions firm: www.IVY COLLEGE ESSAY.com  Contact me for a free consultation today!]

1 05, 2017

Applying To An Ivy League College? The Top 5 Books I Recommend!

By |2022-10-04T06:02:03-04:00May 1st, 2017|Brown, college, College Admissions, Columbia, Common App, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Ivy League, Ivy League College, Princeton, Stanford, UPenn, Yale|1 Comment

Applying To An Ivy League College? The Top 5 Books I Recommend!

Applying to an Ivy League college this year?  Good.  Now let’s actually see if you’re competitive for the schools you’re targeting.

Did well in high school?  Check.  Strongly involved in your extracurriculars?  Check. Aced your AP exams, and scored pretty high on your SAT / ACT  and are in an IB program (if your school offers one)? Triple check.

More than likely if you fit the above, then you probably have at least some aspirations to get in to an Ivy League college.  Maybe you’re not sure you’ll get in, but you definitely have the hope.  The dream.  If only you could MAXIMIZE your chances.  If you only knew what you could possibly do to just push your Ivy League college application and essays just a little bit more, so you can secure that acceptance.

But where is this secret knowledge???   Who has this secret insider information?! How can you find out EXACTLY what else you can possibly do, sit down this year to apply to your list of schools?

Read.  That’s my answer, to parents and students alike.  Read the right books. Find out all you can from the right people. The ones who have credentials. Research the right information.

As a former Harvard admissions interviewer + Harvard grad, I know what it takes to successfully apply to an Ivy League college. The following books are the top 5 books in their field, and 5 of my favorites and, give you many many examples of what a successful Harvard, Yale, Princeton, or  Stanford college application essay actually looks like — and there are lots of examples within these books from which to access and learn.

The important thing to remember though, is that while I do recommend reading these books, in the end, you need to read and then DIVERT from what you just read.

In other words, you need to be unique in your own approach.  An individual in terms of what YOU decide to talk about in your essay and reveal.

Because, believe me, the admissions officers at all of the top schools are aware that these books are out there, and they are not only familiar with the essays these books contain, but they are REALLY familiar.

You must make your college application essays DIFFERENT, both in structure and certainly content, but that said, understanding what exactly makes a strong (i.e. successful) Ivy League admissions essay and these can be a very powerful first step towards your  college and Ivy League application success!

So, with no more delay, the following are the top 5 books I recommend all rising college seniors read, or at least flip through, as they begin their college application process:

Click on the books themselves for the larger links. And, the winners of this year’s recommended Ivy League College Admissions books are:

#1 Book:


#2 Book:

#3 Book:

#4 Book:

And, Book #5:

Remember, these books are just a jumping off place.  A starting spot.  In the end, you need to find what exactly makes you stand out on your own, and what makes YOU unusual and unique.

Try to think about what makes a college admissions officer want to say, “Wow, this student BELONGS here! And I would hate to lose him or her to another rival Ivy League school.”

 See, each school wants the next generation’s leaders and visionaries to be associated with their university.

Also, check out some of my other helpful Ivy League college admissions tips and advice to help you get into the Ivy League, such as “How To Get into Harvard”
I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer and a Harvard grad, and currently run the Ivy League college admissions firm: www.IvyCollegeEssay.com.  Contact me today for a free consultation and get into the school of your dreams!
9 06, 2016

How to Improve Your Ivy League College Application

By |2022-10-04T06:36:49-04:00June 9th, 2016|Berkeley, Brown, College Admissions, Common App, Cornell, Dartmouth, Duke, Emory, Harvard, Ivy League, Ivy League Advice, Ivy League College, Michigan, MIT, NYU, Princeton, UCLA, UPenn, Yale|0 Comments

If you’re applying to an Ivy League college you already know that high grades, tons of AP classes, stellar SAT scores, unique extracurriculars, and fantastic teacher recs can all play a role in your application and acceptance to some of the most prestigious colleges in America. Following are the top ten tips on How to Improve Your Ivy League College Application!

The following are top ten tips though that you may not have thought of that when, combined with the standard qualifications above (i.e. stellar GPA, etc), can actually serve to help you get in!

  1. Social Media:  Schools check.  So, that said, you want to make sure that there is nothing crude or lewd on your facebook page and you’re not making extreme non-pc comments all over twitter.  It’s okay to show yourself having fun with your friends. And you certainly don’t have to show yourself as 100% scholarly and serious (it is a social outlet, after all). And you’re even allowed to have an opinion that maybe other people don’t necessarily agree with! But just keep in mind that the college admission officers are trying to get a sneak peak and quick overview of who you might be online. If you think your fb page shows you as an all around great person with dedicated intellectual and creative interests and great humanitarian projects under your belt (and on your page) then let them look.  It could help you.  More often than not though, it won’t.  Personally, I’d set my fb page to private right now to block anyone who isn’t a known friend. After all, why take the risk?
  2. Send your interviewer a thank you email: This is another tip that some might think of, and some won’t.  Sending a very BRIEF thank you, if you do in fact have your interviewer’s email address (some schools do not make this available) this is a sign of having good manners. It translates into a sign of strong upbringing and class.  The Ivy League especially is deciding whether you fit into their school culture. Not only if you have the grades to succeed.  Sending a thank you (just 2-3 sentences at most- don’t go longer) can leave a positive impression in your interviewer’s eyes. And that translates to a positive feeling when they sit down to report on their interview with you. It can help to get you in!
  3. Mention legacy:  Do you have a family member who went to the school?  If not that particular college, did they go to another college within the Ivy League.  If so, mention it.  Don’t feel like you’re bragging.  The Ivy League universities value “legacies” highly. So even though it’s usually a question on the application, mention it during your college interview, as well. The Ivy League in particular loves tradition and preserving and honoring family lines.  If your mom went to Columbia and your dad is a Harvard grad = mention it.  Believe me, it will help.
  4. Mention 1st Generation: As an alternative to the above, perhaps you’re the first one in your family to ever even go to college!  If this is you, don’t worry, MENTION IT – somewhere in your essays.  Again, this will only help you.
  5. Are you a twin? Yes, I know this one isn’t going to apply to most people, but it’s worth mentioning. The Ivy League in particular loves admitting twins who are equally ambitious and have the required credentials.  So, if you’re a twin – identically or fraternal – this should be everywhere in your college essays, and specifically at least mentioned in you Common App. The colleges like anything and everything that makes you unique. Having a twin or sibling that is going to be in the same incoming calls puts you in that “special and unique” category. Especially if you’re special and unique and can stand out in others areas, as well!

Those are just a few helpful tips that you might not find elsewhere regarding how to make your college applications. And especially your Ivy League college applications stand out even more.

Stay tuned in the coming days for even more, and check out my other Ivy League Essay articles here! https://ivycollegeessay.com/2015/05/31/how-to-prepare-your-kids-for-an-ivy-league-college-education/

[I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer and a Harvard graduate, and currently run the Ivy League Essay college admissions firm: www.IVY COLLEGE ESSAY.com  Check out my website or send me an email: IvyLeagueEssayInfo@gmail.com, and request a free consultation today!]


7 05, 2016

What Each Ivy League College is Known For

By |2023-05-14T17:57:09-04:00May 7th, 2016|Brown, College Admissions, Columbia, Common App, Cornell, Dartmouth, Duke, Emory, Harvard, Ivy League, Ivy League College, UPenn, Yale|10 Comments

What Each Ivy League College Is Known For

Each Ivy League university has its own niche, it’s own “brand”:

In other words, each Ivy League university is known for certain things in terms of reputation. Understanding this in regard to college admissions, and Ivy League university admissions in general, is important.  This knowledge lets you target which school is the best fit for you, as well as which college is actually where you become the best fit for THEM.

This is only going to increase your chances of getting accepted.

The following list is a very brief compilation listing each Ivy League university, and what specific programs or majors they are best known for around the world!

Allow me to add as well, that all 8 of the Ivy League colleges mentioned here, as well as the ones I classify as “Ivy League competitive schools” like Stanford or MIT,  are all excellent universities. They truly do offer an extensive, wide-reaching, liberal arts education that will leave you extremely well-educated and intellectually respected for your college degree around the globe.

In other words, you can’t go wrong with any school in the Ivy League.

However, knowing what each Ivy university is known for, will give you an advantage.  Some of the schools are known for certain specialties more so than the others, and if you pay attention to that fact, you will have a better chance of receiving that acceptance letter and finding a better intellectual  and cultural fit.

And so, without further adieu…


1. Yale is known for turning out dramatists, poets, and CIA officers (government and international relations).

2. Harvard is Harvard (also strong in government, engineering, philosophy, languages)

3. Princeton is known for mathematics and physics (Einstein used to teach there).

4. Brown has its own creativity and artist types (including poets, writers and playwrights)

5. UPenn is known for its proximity to the Wharton school and hence, business and finance.

6. Cornell is known as one of the easier Ivy Leagues to get into and has a strong business/hospitality school link via its grad program.

7. Columbia is known for literature, religion, psychology, languages and its proximity to Wall Street.

8. Dartmouth is known for liberal arts majors, as well as those wanting to get into the Tuck school of business post-graduation.
Furthermore, as mentioned above, you also have what I call “Ivy-like” schools, or “Ivy Equivalent” by which I mean, the schools’ level of difficulty and competition in terms of getting in. Here, I include schools like:
  1. MIT (obviously known for science, math, computer science  and engineering),
  2. Stanford (look up it’s proximity to Silicon Valley and it’s niche for business),
  3. Duke and Johns Hopkins (both famous for their medical school and thereby pre-med programs).

So, there you have it! 

Just a sample list of the Ivy League universities that tell you which college you might want to target if you’re looking at the Ivy League for this coming admissions cycle.

Understanding what I’ve listed here, and then tailoring your applications appropriately when making your school selection list, can truly make all the difference. Especially when choosing which school to apply to for Early Decision.

Need more free admissions tips and advice?  Check out my award-winning Ivy League college admissions blog for more on how to get in to an Ivy League university — and, if you’re thinking about Early Decision (HINT: you should be!)  then you may also like my article: Early Decision: Choosing the Right Ivy League College

You can also join my Ivy League college admissions discussion on Reddit at: https://www.reddit.com/r/ivyleaguecollege/

I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer and a Harvard graduate and currently run the Ivy League college admissions firm: www.IvyCollegeEssay.com. 

Contact me today for a free consultation, and get into the school of your dreams!

23 02, 2015

Thinking About Transferring to Another College? What You Need to Know…

By |2022-10-04T09:21:30-04:00February 23rd, 2015|Berkeley, Boston University, Brown, College Admissions, Columbia, Common App, Cornell, Dartmouth, Duke, Emory, Harvard, Ivy League, Michigan, MIT, NYU, Princeton, Standford, UCLA, UGA, UPenn, Yale|0 Comments

Deciding to transfer schools is a big decision when you’re in college.  Whether you’re in your first or second year, transferring will entail making new friends and living most likely in a new city. You will make sure that your current credits transfer to make it all worth your while.

That said, there’s a lot that can come out of transferring, especially if you truly don’t like your current school.  I fully believe that there is no reason to stay somewhere you don’t like once you have given it a good try.  Instead you should try to salvage what you can of your college career. Pick yourself up and find a better place, so you can still have great memories and great friends. And (most importantly to the admissions committee) a much better academic experience that better aligns with your goals.

And, that’s where I will start:  What You Really Need To Know For a Great College Transfer Application.

1. You need to make it about the academics

Colleges understand that perhaps you don’t have any friends, or just don’t feel “connected” at your current school.  Maybe you’re going to a community college and want to go to a 4-year program. Or maybe you just want OUT, anywhere that isn’t where you are, or perhaps anywhere not so close to home.

Whatever your reasons, what you tell the college admissions committee needs to focus on your ACADEMIC reasons for transferring, and not your social ones.  Successful applicants always have an academic reason for wanting to go elsewhere.  For example, perhaps you can’t major in Biophysics where you are, because your school just doesn’t offer that major. You have to settle for a more general degree in Biology. It will limit what you really want to be studying.

Or, perhaps there is a professor at another school who is doing research on EXACTLY the topic. And speciality you’re interested in, and that’s why you “need” to transfer in order to take advantage of the best opportunity you can.

Perhaps it makes more sense if you want to study economics to be in a big financial capital like New York. Or perhaps you’re an English major but really want to be a Journalism major. And your school “just doesn’t offer that.”

Those are the reasons that will get you in: something ACADEMIC that is logical and makes sense.  Basically, you want the admissions committee to read your essays and say, “yes, that is a very logical and appropriate reason for wanting to transfer.”  It’s that response that will get you in.

[I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer and a Harvard grad.  I currently run the college admissions consulting firm: www.IvyLeagueEssay.com  Looking to transfer colleges?  Contact me for a free consultation today!]

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