​What Happens If You Get Waitlisted?

By |2025-03-23T10:52:55-04:00March 23rd, 2025|College Admissions, Letter of Continued Interest, LOCI, Waitlisted, What Happens If You Get Waitlisted?|0 Comments

What Happens If You Get Waitlisted?

What happens if you get waitlisted?  Ivy Day is almost here and receiving a waitlist notification from a college can be a disappointing and confusing experience. After dedicating so much time and effort to your application, finding yourself in limbo—neither accepted nor rejected—can be disheartening. However, being waitlisted is not the end of the road; it indicates that the admissions committee found your application compelling but couldn’t offer immediate admission due to limited space and because there were just other students who were just maybe slightly more of a solid bet.

Understanding what it means to be waitlisted and how to navigate this situation can significantly impact your chances of eventual acceptance, however.  It is NOT the end of the road.  Every single year I help students get off the waitlist, and I can help you, too, but first, let’s understand the situation in full so we can best attack it!

Understanding the Waitlist

When a college places you on its waitlist, it signifies that you are a qualified applicant who meets the institution’s standards. However, due to the extremely competitive nature of admissions and limited spots, especially at the Ivy League or “Top 20” US schools, the specific college cannot offer you a place at the moment.  That last sentence is key:  at the moment. Moments change.  There WILL be spaces that open up at every single school (yes, even Harvard and Princeton) because accepted students at both schools will choose one or the other — then leaving room for YOU.

Realize that the waitlist serves as a reserve pool of applicants who may be offered admission if spaces become available. This typically occurs after the college assesses how many accepted students enroll, a metric known as the yield rate.​ It’s true that the top schools, again, especially the top Ivy League colleges, have a lower yield rate than other schools that rank lower, BUT they 100% absolutely still have one: again, a student might choose Stanford over Harvard (leaving open a spot) or Yale over Princeton (great!  another spot!) or, they may not get the financial package they need to attend their school of choice (sad, but this is life, and it’s unfortunately true) and so that can leave a spot open for someone exactly like you.

The Emotional Impact

Being waitlisted can evoke a range of emotions—from frustration, disappointment, and even despair and clinical depression, to hope, belief, determination, resilence and uncertainty. It’s essential to acknowledge these feelings while maintaining a balanced perspective. Remember, a waitlist is not a rejection; it’s an indication that you are a strong candidate to be competitive at that school.  Believe me, they have no problem rejecting students outright.  If you’re on the waitlist, you are a contender.

You’re qualified enough to be in the club…if the club has an opening. You just now need to make sure you’re 100% ready and know what to do, and how to position yourself, so when that opening becomes available (which it will, because remember, every single school — even Harvard, Stanford, MIT and Princeton have students who don’t accept) YOU will be there and ready to be chosen to walk through that open door.

There are, however, immediate steps you need to take. Do it right, and increase your chances exponentially. The game isn’t over!

The Immediate Steps to Take

  1. Respond Promptly: Most colleges require waitlisted students to confirm whether they wish to remain on the waitlist. Ensure you follow the institution’s instructions carefully and meet any deadlines.​
  2. Submit a Letter of Continued Interest (LOCI): A well-crafted LOCI can reinforce your enthusiasm for the college and provide updates on any new achievements. This is THE best thing you can do to increase your chances of admission. The LOCI is a way for students to update the admissions committee on any new developments since they submitted their application, as well as reiterate their desire and commitment to attend the school. Do it right, and it’s your ticket IN.

Writing the LOCI

When writing a strong LOCI, consider the following guidelines:

  • Be Concise: Admissions committees are busy and have a lot of applications to review, so it’s important to keep your letter brief and to the point. No more than one page (!!!)
  • Highlight New Achievements: Since submitting your application, have you won any awards, received any special recognition, or taken on any new leadership roles? Use your letter of continued interest to highlight these accomplishments and explain how they demonstrate your continued commitment to your education and personal growth.
  • Express Specific Interest: Use your letter of continued interest as an opportunity to reaffirm why you want to attend the school in question. Be specific about what draws you to the school and what you hope to gain from your education there. Focus on the academic side versus anything extracurricular.

Managing Expectations

It’s crucial to approach the waitlist with a realistic mindset. Admission off the waitlist is highly competitive and varies annually based on factors like the number of applicants, yield rates, and institutional needs. Every single year though students get off the waitlist, even at the most highly competitive schools, and GET IN.

Alternative Plans

While remaining hopeful about the waitlist, it’s prudent to consider other options:​

  • Accept Another Offer: Secure your spot at another institution where you’ve been accepted. This ensures you have a definite plan for your education.​ Just make sure your parents read the fine print before signing any kind of acceptance as they could end up losing their deposit…sometimes though that “bet” is worth it, regardless.  Just know what you’re agreeing to so there are no surprises.
  • You must accept somewhere, but you may want to wait as long as possible before that school’s deadline to accept in order to keep your doors open.  Do NOT miss any deadlines though, as the schools are unforgiving.
  • Stay Positive: Getting waitlisted can be depressing, but it’s important to stay positive.  You really don’t know what will happen. I’ve seen students get off the waitlist as late as July.  You never know. ​
  • Consider Transferring: If your heart is set on a particular college, remember that transferring is an option. Every year I work with students who didn’t get in to their first-choice school, but then DO get in as a transfer student — even to schools like Harvard, Stanford, and Princeton. If you got waitlisted, just know that transferring is still a very valuable option.

Final Thoughts

Being waitlisted is a testament to your qualifications and potential. I know it doesn’t feel like it, but it’s actually a win. While it introduces a period of uncertainty, anxiety, and stress, proactive steps like submitting a strong LOCI, maintaining academic excellence, and exploring alternative opportunities like transferring and starting to put together that strategy, can positively influence your educational journey. Remember, the path to your goals may have unexpected turns, but success is still completely possible.

Want Help Crafting Your LOCI?

Want more help crafting a strong LOCI, or discussing your options around transferring?  I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer and a Harvard graduate and have been running my college admissions firm IVY LEAGUE ESSAY for the last 15 years out of NYC.

I work with students all over the country who are targeting the Ivy League, or Top 20 schools, and would be happy to speak to you about your college possibilities and options. 

Contact me today for a free consultation and get into the school of your dreams! www.IvyCollegeEssay.com

Want more free tips and advice? Check out my other blog articles, below:

  1. What Are My Chances of Getting Off Harvard’s Waitlist? 
  2. How to Write the LOCI = Letter of Continued Interest?
  3. What to Do If You’re Waitlisted?