1 08, 2024

How to Get Into an Ivy League College

By |2024-08-01T17:53:31-04:00August 1st, 2024|Brown, College Admissions, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Early Decion, Harvard, Ivy Leage Admissions, Ivy League, Ivy League College, Princeton, UPenn, Yale|0 Comments

How to Get Into an Ivy League College

Getting into an Ivy League college is a dream for many high school students and their families. The eight Ivy League institutions—Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Brown, Dartmouth, Cornell, and the University of Pennsylvania—are renowned for their academic rigor, distinguished faculty, and expansive alumni networks. However, the path to these esteemed universities is highly competitive and requires meticulous planning, dedication, and a well-rounded profile. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to maximize your chances of being accepted into an Ivy League school, as told from a former Harvard admissions interviewer and Harvard graduate:

  1. Academic Excellence

High GPA: One of the most critical components of your application is your academic record. Ivy League schools typically look for students with near-perfect GPAs. Strive to be at the top of your class, as your grades reflect your ability to handle rigorous coursework.

Challenging Courses: Admissions committees look for students who have challenged themselves academically. Enroll in Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or honors courses if they are available at your school. These courses not only prepare you for college-level work but also demonstrate your willingness to take on academic challenges.

Standardized Tests: Although some Ivy League schools have adopted test-optional policies, high scores on the SAT or ACT can still strengthen your application. Aim for scores in the 95th percentile or higher. Additionally, consider taking SAT Subject Tests in areas where you excel to further showcase your strengths.

  1. Extracurricular Activities

Depth and Leadership: Admissions officers are interested in students who show depth and leadership in their extracurricular activities. Rather than participating in numerous activities superficially, focus on a few that genuinely interest you and pursue them passionately. Leadership roles in clubs, sports teams, or other organizations can demonstrate your ability to lead and make an impact.

Passion Projects: Develop personal projects or initiatives that highlight your interests and passions. Whether it’s starting a nonprofit, conducting scientific research, or creating a community service project, initiatives that show initiative and dedication can set you apart from other applicants.

Community Service: Volunteering and community service can showcase your commitment to making a positive difference in society. Engage in meaningful community service activities and reflect on how these experiences have shaped your perspectives and goals.

  1. Strong Personal Statements

Unique Story: Your personal statement is an opportunity to present yourself beyond grades and test scores. Write essays that reflect your unique experiences, perspectives, and aspirations. Be authentic and honest in your writing, and avoid clichés or generic statements.

Specificity: Tailor your essays to each Ivy League school you apply to. Research each university’s programs, values, and culture, and explain why you are a good fit for their community. Specificity shows that you have done your homework and are genuinely interested in the school.

  1. Impressive Letters of Recommendation

Choose Wisely: Select teachers and mentors who know you well and can speak to your strengths and character. Ideally, these should be individuals who have witnessed your academic achievements and personal growth.

Detailed and Insightful: Strong letters of recommendation should provide specific examples of your accomplishments, work ethic, and personality. Ensure your recommenders have ample time to write thoughtful and detailed letters.

  1. Exceptional Interviews

Preparation: If offered an interview, prepare thoroughly. Research the school and be ready to discuss why you want to attend and how you can contribute to the campus community. Practice common interview questions and answers with a friend or family member.

Be Yourself: During the interview, be genuine and personable. Admissions officers want to get to know the real you, so let your personality shine through.

  1. Showcase Your Talents

Portfolios and Auditions: If you have exceptional talents in areas such as art, music, theater, or athletics, consider submitting a portfolio or audition tape. These can provide a tangible demonstration of your skills and dedication.

  1. Financial Aid and Scholarships

Research Opportunities: Ivy League schools offer generous financial aid packages based on need. Research each school’s financial aid policies and apply for scholarships and grants. Demonstrating financial need will not negatively impact your chances of admission, as these schools are committed to meeting 100% of demonstrated need.

  1. Stay Organized

Deadlines: Keep track of application deadlines and requirements for each school. Missing a deadline or failing to submit a required document can jeopardize your application.

Application Materials: Create a checklist of all application materials, including transcripts, test scores, essays, and recommendation letters. Ensure everything is submitted on time and in the correct format.


The journey to an Ivy League school is demanding but achievable with careful planning, hard work, and dedication. Focus on excelling academically, engaging deeply in extracurricular activities, and presenting a compelling and authentic personal narrative. Remember that while Ivy League schools are prestigious, they are not the only path to success. Many other universities offer excellent education and opportunities. Ultimately, finding a school that fits your goals and values is the most important factor in your college journey.

Would you like more help with your college applications? I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer + a Harvard graduate and specialize in the Ivy League!

Contact me today at: www.IvyCollegeEssay.com for a free consultation and get into the school of your dreams!

If you like this article, check out my other Ivy League college admissions posts as well, such as:

  1. The Best Pre-Law Colleges in the US
  2. The Best Computer Science Colleges in the US
  3. How to Pick a College Major
  4. The Best Colleges for Psychology Majors
  5. The Best Engineering Colleges in the US

And you can also buy my new book on Amazon:  THE IVY LEAGUE COLLEGE ADMISSIONS GUIDEBOOKhttps://amzn.to/3UKaCEN


8 08, 2023

Do I Need a Consultant to Get into an Ivy League College?

By |2023-11-01T19:21:02-04:00August 8th, 2023|Ivy Leage Admissions, Ivy League|0 Comments

How important is it to have a consultant to get into an Ivy League College? Attending an Ivy League college is a dream for many students aspiring to receive an exceptional education and open doors to extraordinary opportunities. The admissions process for these prestigious institutions is notoriously rigorous and competitive, leaving students and parents wondering if the support of a tutor is essential to secure admission. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of having a tutor on your journey to an Ivy League college, the role they play, and alternative strategies to enhance your chances of acceptance.

Understanding the Ivy League Admissions Process:

Before delving into the need for a tutor, it is essential to comprehend the intricacies of the Ivy League admissions process. Admissions officers seek students who excel academically, demonstrate outstanding character, and contribute significantly to their communities. While grades, standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, and essays play a crucial role, it’s the applicant’s unique qualities and experiences that truly set them apart.

The Role of a Consultant in Ivy League Preparation:

Tutors can play a valuable role in helping students prepare for the admissions journey. They offer personalized guidance, academic support, and test preparation assistance. Tutors can help students identify and improve weaknesses, tailor study plans to their learning styles, and provide insights on college-specific requirements. Additionally, tutors can assist in crafting compelling essays that reflect the student’s personality, aspirations, and potential contributions to the campus community.

Benefits of Having a Consultant:

  • Personalized Attention: A tutor can focus on the individual needs of the student, providing targeted assistance and addressing specific areas of improvement.
  • Standardized Test Preparation: Tutors can help students navigate the SAT or ACT, providing test-taking strategies, practice materials, and expert guidance to achieve competitive scores.
  • Essay and Application Support: Tutors can help students craft powerful college essays and polish their applications, ensuring they stand out among thousands of applicants.
  • Confidence Boost: Working with a tutor can increase a student’s confidence, reducing test anxiety and boosting overall performance.

While consultants can be valuable resources, they are not the only path to Ivy League success. Here are some alternative strategies to consider:

  • Self-Study: Many students achieve Ivy League admission through self-discipline and independent study. Utilize online resources, practice exams, and study guides to prepare for standardized tests.
  • School Resources: Take advantage of school counselors, teachers, and college prep programs. They can provide valuable advice and support throughout the application process.
  • Extracurricular Excellence: Focus on genuine passions and engage in meaningful extracurricular activities. Leadership roles and community service can make a significant impact on your application.
  • Peer Support: Form study groups or join college application clubs with friends or classmates. Sharing ideas and experiences can be beneficial and motivating.

While a consultant can provide valuable assistance on your path to an Ivy League college, what matters most is your dedication, hard work, and authenticity in showcasing your abilities, accomplishments, and character. Remember that the pursuit of higher education is about growth, learning, and personal development.  However, if you do want help, I am always here, so please reach out!

Good luck on your journey to success!

For expert guidance on your Ivy League college applications and personalized assistance, contact me at IvyCollegeEssay.com. I am committed to helping you stand out among applicants and achieve your dream of attending an Ivy League college.

Contact me for a free consultation TODAY and take the first step towards achieving the school of your dreams!


4 08, 2023

The Power of Letters of Recommendation for Ivy League Applications

By |2023-08-03T17:46:46-04:00August 4th, 2023|College Admissions|0 Comments

Are letters of recommendation for ivy league applications important? Securing admission into Ivy League schools involves various elements beyond just academic grades. Among these, Letters of Recommendation hold significant value. These letters present a comprehensive view of an applicant’s skills, achievements, and character, and play a pivotal role in shaping the admission officer’s decision. In this article, we explore how to obtain compelling Letters of Recommendation for Ivy League applications.

Importance of Teacher Recommendations for Ivy League Admissions

Teacher recommendations provide an in-depth analysis of an applicant’s academic performance and potential.

Evaluating the Student’s Characteristics

Upon filling out the Common App, students need to identify their recommenders and furnish their contact information. The teachers then receive an evaluation form and instructions to write and submit the Letter of Recommendation. The form collects data about the teacher’s experience with the student, the duration of their association, the courses taught, and an assessment of the student’s intellectual promise, academic achievement, initiative, maturity, and leadership, among other qualities.

Gaining Insight into Classroom Engagement

Teacher recommendations offer a peek into the student’s engagement in the classroom that the transcript cannot capture. It elaborates on whether the student is passionate and actively contributes to class discussions.

Confirmation of Performance and Potential

Teacher recommendations also reflect a student’s attitude toward learning. For instance, if the letter indicates the student’s lack of class participation despite good grades, it might be interpreted negatively.

Counselor Recommendations for Ivy League Admissions

In addition to teacher recommendations, Ivy League colleges often require a school report and a letter of recommendation from the student’s guidance counselor.

Insight into the Student’s Interests

While counselor recommendations also touch upon academics, they primarily demonstrate why the student is unique. The counselor might elucidate on the student’s extracurricular activities, providing context to the list of activities and honors. Since students typically cannot choose their counselor recommender, maintaining regular interactions with their guidance counselor is vital.

Navigating High School and College Guidelines

Schools have their specific guidelines on teacher and counselor recommendations, including the number and types of recommendations and submission deadlines. Hence, it is crucial for your child to research their target school’s requirements thoroughly.

Making Letters of Recommendation Work for Ivy League Applications

Letters of Recommendation for Ivy League schools are crucial, as they bring to light a student’s skills and character that transcripts and scores cannot fully capture. They provide a more holistic perspective of the applicant, which is invaluable for Ivy League admissions. Thus, ensuring strong and compelling recommendations can significantly enhance the chances of making your child’s Ivy League dream come true.

Make Your Ivy League Dream a Reality

As a former Harvard interviewer and a Harvard grad, I have the insights you need to stand out from the crowd and realize your Ivy League dreams. Need expert guidance on your college admissions essays, applications, and securing impactful letters of recommendation? I’m here to assist!

Don’t wait! Contact me today for a free consultation at IvyCollegeEssay.com and take the first step towards making your Ivy League college aspiration a reality!

16 08, 2022

How To Get Into Harvard

By |2022-09-14T10:21:50-04:00August 16th, 2022|Harvard, Ivy League, Ivy League Advice, Ivy League College, The Harvard Admissions Interview|7 Comments

How to Get Into Harvard

How to get into Harvard — smart people want to know!  Actually, everybody wants to know, because getting into Harvard is a life-changing event.  It gives you opportunity in life.  It gives you a community of equally smart and interesting peers whom you will be able to fall back on, as part of a very tight community, for the rest of your life.

The high school seniors who attend Harvard today become the very well-known, authors, scientists, politicians, Presidents, humanitarians, doctors, scholars and artists of tomorrow.  They truly are the voice of the next generation.

So, what does it take to really get in to Harvard University? How do these successful college applicants do it?

You can try to substitute Princeton, Yale, Dartmouth, or Brown, etc., here, but it’s somehow not the same.  Even Stanford and MIT while excellent, extremely competitive schools (and, in some cases, even better for what you may specifically want to study) still doesn’t quite equate to that Harvard degree.

What is it then about Harvard University?  How do you become one of the lucky 1600 students admitted each year to not only the Ivy League, but “the” Ivy League?

As a former Harvard admissions interviewer and a Harvard graduate myself, allow me to provide some tips and advice.  In my overall experience, not only interviewing for Harvard’s incoming class for the College of Arts & Sciences, but also running my own Ivy League admissions consulting firm for the last 15 years, these are the top things you need to check off, if you’re even going to be seriously considered for that Harvard acceptance letter.

The points are, as follows”

  1. High School GPA
  2. High SAT / ACT scores
  3. Showing how you are UNIQUE + DIFFERENT in your interests, education, experience, achievements, creative work, or hobbies.
  4. Being able to communicate this well in your Harvard admissions essays.
  5. Having an excellent college interview
  6. Providing additional material with your application, when appropriate, like a portfolio of creative work,  that supports all of the above
  7. Great teacher recommendations

And that’s really the key!  The secret sauce.  The map to TREASURE.

I’m going to now go through, in much more detail, all of the above mentioned steps so you fully understand what Harvard actually looks for in an undergraduate applicant, and then, in terms of better understanding how to get in to Harvard, you’ll be able to adjust what’s in your power to control, and then just try not to think about the rest!

  1. Your GPA –  it obviously needs to be high.  Really high.  That doesn’t mean that if you have a fews “B’s” on your transcript that you still can’t get in.  You can.  Everyone who gets accepted to Harvard doesn’t have a 4.0.  Really. What this does mean though is that the higher your grades the more you’re showing the admissions committee that you belong at their school.  In other words, don’t give them a reason to say no.
  2. Your SAT/ACT scores  – I know, I know, “but everyplace says it’s optional now!”  It is.  That’s not incorrect — BUT, a high SAT or ACT score will still help you, and a REALLY HIGH SAT or ACT score will help you even more.  It adds to the same thing I said above: show them you belong at the school. Take the test if you think you can do well.  For all others, optional (but then you may not get in).
  3.  Showing how you are UNIQUE + DIFFERENT in your interests, education, experience, achievements, creative work, or hobbies.

    This is the most important point in my entire list.  This is everything in terms of the Harvard application (and hold true for really any of the highly competitive schools). What makes you unique?  What makes you different from the girl you sit next to in AP Calculus or Lit?  If you want to get into Harvard you MUST find something in your academic interests, experience, background, talent, skills, or philosophies that make you DIFFERENT.

  4. Your Harvard Admissions Essays:

    This, too, is everything.  Your essays have to be well-written, and your topic choice for your Common App is going to be incredibly important, if not the most important choice you make.  I’m linking to a recent blog post on my Ivy League College Admissions Blog that talks about how to make sure your Common App topic is GOOD, as the choice is that important (and same goes for supplementals and any short answer questions): How to Choose A Topic For Your Common App

  5. Your Harvard Interview

    Also incredibly important.  The two tips I’ll give you here are 1). That you need to prepare by going over some possible interview questions, and 2) You need to keep your interview as “conversational” as possible.  In other words, relax and try to have a normal conversation.  The best interviews just flow naturally.

  6. Additional Material  

    This means if there’s an optional essay, you take the opportunity and answer it.  This also means that if you have any creative or academic material at all (like a scientific paper) you submit it here.  Too many students leave this section blank.  Guess who doesn’t?  The students who get in.  Every question, even the ones not officially “required” are all opportunities to tell the admissions committee more about who you are.  Again, take all opportunities.

  7. Teacher Recs

    This falls in the category of things you can’t fully control, but you obviously need to ask for recs from the teachers whom you at least THINK know you well, and will write you a good one.  Teacher recs are more important than people realize, and the students who tend to get into Harvard usually have at least one teacher who puts their own reputation on the line by saying that a student is truly “one of the best they’ve ever taught, in all the years I’ve been teaching.”

Sentences like that actually do get the admissions committee’s attention, though if everything else in your Harvard application isn’t stellar, then it won’t get you what you need.

So, I hope that sheds some good light on what you need to get into Harvard, and this information holds true really for all of the top Ivy League schools.  The most important thing I’ve said here is that Harvard is looking for those who are the voice of the next generation.  They’re looking for the next leaders, writers, scholars, doctors, scientists, and artists in their field.

Show them that’s you, and Harvard will be lucky to have YOU.

For more free tips and advice, check out my award-winning Ivy League Admissions Consulting Blog

And don’t hesitate to reach out to me over social media or my website: IvyCollegeEssay.com


[I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer + Harvard grad, and currently run the Ivy League college admissions consulting firm Ivy League Essay. Contact me today for a free consultation about your Ivy League strategy, and get into the Harvard of your dreams!]

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