10 09, 2022

What Does It Mean If You Get Waitlisted?

By |2022-10-01T14:40:52-04:00September 10th, 2022|college, College Admissions, Ivy League, Ivy League Advice, Ivy League College, Waitlisted|3 Comments

 What Does it Mean If You Get Waitlisted?

More importantly, is there anything that you can do?

Decision day comes and when you see that email from your dream school, you discover that you have been waitlisted. Ugh. Horrible. Blech. Depressing. Just not what you were hoping for at all.  But, while this may leave you with a sinking feeling in your stomach, don’t despair.  Really.

Keep in mind that the Ivy League and  “Top 20” universities in general are all EXTREMELY  competitive. Getting on the waitlist is an accomplishment in itself.

That doesn’t make you feel better does it?  It should, because it means that there is still hope.

I’ve seen many students who’ve been put on the waitlist for the upper-level Ivy League and Ivy League competitive schools. In other words, I’ve had students get OFF the waitlist, get OUT of limbo, and actually gain acceptance sometimes at the very last minute and to the elite of the Ivy League schools.  In other words, Princeton, Harvard, and Yale.  So, as they say, it really “ain’t over ’til it’s over” and you always need to keep the faith.

Here are some interesting facts to keep in mind:  around 10% of students are waitlisted each year and end up getting in and last year that percentage was high. Students are applying to more and more of the Ivy League colleges, so every year predicting the percentage of admitted students that actually matriculate is a moving target, especially when students gain admission to multiple universities.

IMPORTANT POINT:  You can be notified of admittance as early as April or as late as August depending on the school.

That said, you need to move forward though as if it’s not an option, but always keep that small light of hope in the back of your mind burning. Because really — you just don’t know how it will all turn out.  Some students even turn down Harvard for Princeton, Princeton for MIT, or Brown for Dartmouth, so you really just don’t know how many spaces might suddenly become open and when your name can suddenly come up.

In other words, don’t assume things are out of your hands. Transferring to an Ivy League college can also be an option, as colleges accept transfers after only one semester. So go ahead and enroll in your next best choice as the better the school, the stronger your chances of successfully transferring to the Ivy League (or Ivy League competitive school) the following year.

Write a Statement of Continuing Interest

Meanwhile, take the time to write the waitlisted school an email, adding on any new awards or honors you’ve won since your application, and state your interest that, if allowed off the waitlist, the school is your very first choice.

Waitlisted and want help developing a strategic plan of action now, moving forward?  See what my clients have to say about how I helped them not only get into a top Ivy League college like Harvard, Princeton, or Yale, but how I’ve helped them transfer into these schools as well   https://ivycollegeessay.com/testimonials/.

Also, read my post on “How to Transfer to the Ivy League” here: https://ivycollegeessay.com/2020/01/21/transferring-ivy-league-college-harvard/

Want more help?  Reach out now for a free consultation at: www.IvyCollegeEssay.com and let me help you achieve your dream of getting into the Ivy League!

16 08, 2022

How To Get Into Harvard

By |2022-09-14T10:21:50-04:00August 16th, 2022|Harvard, Ivy League, Ivy League Advice, Ivy League College, The Harvard Admissions Interview|7 Comments

How to Get Into Harvard

How to get into Harvard — smart people want to know!  Actually, everybody wants to know, because getting into Harvard is a life-changing event.  It gives you opportunity in life.  It gives you a community of equally smart and interesting peers whom you will be able to fall back on, as part of a very tight community, for the rest of your life.

The high school seniors who attend Harvard today become the very well-known, authors, scientists, politicians, Presidents, humanitarians, doctors, scholars and artists of tomorrow.  They truly are the voice of the next generation.

So, what does it take to really get in to Harvard University? How do these successful college applicants do it?

You can try to substitute Princeton, Yale, Dartmouth, or Brown, etc., here, but it’s somehow not the same.  Even Stanford and MIT while excellent, extremely competitive schools (and, in some cases, even better for what you may specifically want to study) still doesn’t quite equate to that Harvard degree.

What is it then about Harvard University?  How do you become one of the lucky 1600 students admitted each year to not only the Ivy League, but “the” Ivy League?

As a former Harvard admissions interviewer and a Harvard graduate myself, allow me to provide some tips and advice.  In my overall experience, not only interviewing for Harvard’s incoming class for the College of Arts & Sciences, but also running my own Ivy League admissions consulting firm for the last 15 years, these are the top things you need to check off, if you’re even going to be seriously considered for that Harvard acceptance letter.

The points are, as follows”

  1. High School GPA
  2. High SAT / ACT scores
  3. Showing how you are UNIQUE + DIFFERENT in your interests, education, experience, achievements, creative work, or hobbies.
  4. Being able to communicate this well in your Harvard admissions essays.
  5. Having an excellent college interview
  6. Providing additional material with your application, when appropriate, like a portfolio of creative work,  that supports all of the above
  7. Great teacher recommendations

And that’s really the key!  The secret sauce.  The map to TREASURE.

I’m going to now go through, in much more detail, all of the above mentioned steps so you fully understand what Harvard actually looks for in an undergraduate applicant, and then, in terms of better understanding how to get in to Harvard, you’ll be able to adjust what’s in your power to control, and then just try not to think about the rest!

  1. Your GPA –  it obviously needs to be high.  Really high.  That doesn’t mean that if you have a fews “B’s” on your transcript that you still can’t get in.  You can.  Everyone who gets accepted to Harvard doesn’t have a 4.0.  Really. What this does mean though is that the higher your grades the more you’re showing the admissions committee that you belong at their school.  In other words, don’t give them a reason to say no.
  2. Your SAT/ACT scores  – I know, I know, “but everyplace says it’s optional now!”  It is.  That’s not incorrect — BUT, a high SAT or ACT score will still help you, and a REALLY HIGH SAT or ACT score will help you even more.  It adds to the same thing I said above: show them you belong at the school. Take the test if you think you can do well.  For all others, optional (but then you may not get in).
  3.  Showing how you are UNIQUE + DIFFERENT in your interests, education, experience, achievements, creative work, or hobbies.

    This is the most important point in my entire list.  This is everything in terms of the Harvard application (and hold true for really any of the highly competitive schools). What makes you unique?  What makes you different from the girl you sit next to in AP Calculus or Lit?  If you want to get into Harvard you MUST find something in your academic interests, experience, background, talent, skills, or philosophies that make you DIFFERENT.

  4. Your Harvard Admissions Essays:

    This, too, is everything.  Your essays have to be well-written, and your topic choice for your Common App is going to be incredibly important, if not the most important choice you make.  I’m linking to a recent blog post on my Ivy League College Admissions Blog that talks about how to make sure your Common App topic is GOOD, as the choice is that important (and same goes for supplementals and any short answer questions): How to Choose A Topic For Your Common App

  5. Your Harvard Interview

    Also incredibly important.  The two tips I’ll give you here are 1). That you need to prepare by going over some possible interview questions, and 2) You need to keep your interview as “conversational” as possible.  In other words, relax and try to have a normal conversation.  The best interviews just flow naturally.

  6. Additional Material  

    This means if there’s an optional essay, you take the opportunity and answer it.  This also means that if you have any creative or academic material at all (like a scientific paper) you submit it here.  Too many students leave this section blank.  Guess who doesn’t?  The students who get in.  Every question, even the ones not officially “required” are all opportunities to tell the admissions committee more about who you are.  Again, take all opportunities.

  7. Teacher Recs

    This falls in the category of things you can’t fully control, but you obviously need to ask for recs from the teachers whom you at least THINK know you well, and will write you a good one.  Teacher recs are more important than people realize, and the students who tend to get into Harvard usually have at least one teacher who puts their own reputation on the line by saying that a student is truly “one of the best they’ve ever taught, in all the years I’ve been teaching.”

Sentences like that actually do get the admissions committee’s attention, though if everything else in your Harvard application isn’t stellar, then it won’t get you what you need.

So, I hope that sheds some good light on what you need to get into Harvard, and this information holds true really for all of the top Ivy League schools.  The most important thing I’ve said here is that Harvard is looking for those who are the voice of the next generation.  They’re looking for the next leaders, writers, scholars, doctors, scientists, and artists in their field.

Show them that’s you, and Harvard will be lucky to have YOU.

For more free tips and advice, check out my award-winning Ivy League Admissions Consulting Blog

And don’t hesitate to reach out to me over social media or my website: IvyCollegeEssay.com


[I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer + Harvard grad, and currently run the Ivy League college admissions consulting firm Ivy League Essay. Contact me today for a free consultation about your Ivy League strategy, and get into the Harvard of your dreams!]

Rather listen to this article?  Click here!


Website:  www.IvyCollegeEssay.com

Phone:  (212) 671-0891



14 08, 2022

What Each Ivy League College is Known For

By |2024-01-20T11:38:54-05:00August 14th, 2022|Brown, college, College Admissions, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Ivy League, Ivy League Advice, Ivy League College, Princeton, UPenn, Yale|1 Comment


Each Ivy League college has its own niche. It’s own “brand”

In other words, what each Ivy League college is known for in terms of reputation.  In terms of college admissions, and Ivy League college admissions in particular, understanding which school is the best fit for you, as well as which school will think you’re the best fit for THEM, is only going to increase your chances.

The following is a very brief list detailing each Ivy League school and what specific programs or majors it is best known for around the world.

Allow me to add, that all 8 of the Ivy League colleges mentioned here, as well as the ones I deem “Ivy League competitive”  are excellent universities, and truly do offer an extensive, wide-reaching, liberal arts education that will leave you extremely well-educated and intellectually valued around the globe.

And yet, knowing what each Ivy is known for, will give you an advantage when applying to universities.  It is 100% correct to say that some of the schools are known for certain specialties more so than the others, and if you pay attention to that fact, you will have a better chance of getting that acceptance letter, as well as finding a better intellectual  and cultural fit.

And so, without further adieu…


1. Yale: known for turning out dramatists, poets, and CIA officers (government and international relations).

2. Harvard  is Harvard (also strong in government, engineering, philosophy, languages)

3. Princeton: known for mathematics and physics (Einstein used to teach there).

4. Brown: known for creativity and artist types (including poets, writers and playwrights)

5. UPenn: known for the Wharton school and hence, business and finance.

6. Cornell: known as one of the easier Ivy League colleges to get into and has a strong business and hospitality school link via its grad program.

7. Columbia: known for literature, religion, psychology, languages, politics, NY intellectuals and its proximity to Wall Street.

8. Dartmouth: known for liberal arts majors, as well as those wanting to get into the Tuck school of business post-graduation.

The “Ivy Equivalents”

Furthermore, as mentioned above, there are also “Ivy-like” schools, or “The Ivy Equivalents” in terms of a schools’ level of difficulty, reputation and competitiveness. Here I include schools like:
  1. MIT (obviously known for science, math, STEM, computer science  and engineering),
  2. Stanford (look up it’s proximity to Silicon Valley and it’s niche for business),
  3. Duke (famous for its medical school, so therefore pre-med)
  4. Johns Hopkins (again, famous for their medical school and thereby pre-med programs).

And, there you have it!  Just a sample list of the 8 Ivy League colleges and 4 “Ivy Equivalents” that tell you which university you might want to target if you’re looking at the Ivy League for this coming admissions cycle.

Understanding what I’ve mentioned here, and tailoring your applications appropriately when making you school selection list, and especially when choosing which school to apply for Early Decision, can truly make a difference.

Need more admissions tips and advice?  Check out my award-winning Ivy League college admissions blog for more on how to get in to the Ivy League.

If you’re thinking about Early Decision (you should be!)  then you may also like my articles:

You can also join my Ivy League college discussion group on Reddit at: https://www.reddit.com/r/ivyleaguecollege/

Or, check out colleges organized by state, like this article here:

New York City Colleges

I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer and a Harvard graduate and currently run the Ivy League college admissions firm: www.IvyCollegeEssay.com.  Contact me today for a free phone consultation, and get into the school of your dreams!

12 08, 2022

Ivy League Early Decision

By |2022-09-23T23:11:09-04:00August 12th, 2022|College Admissions, Early Decision, Ivy League, Ivy League College|3 Comments

Ivy League Early Decision: How to Choose Which College to Pick?

If you’re a rising senior this year, I’m sure Early Decision and your Ivy League college applications are already on your mind (hint: if not, they should be).

A lot of students have questions though around Early Decision and Early Action as a whole, including not knowing which school to pick, not knowing if ED really does make a difference, not knowing if they should go with their absolutely hardest school for ED, or a still hard, but not “the” hardest college so they can best leverage their chances.

I’m going to answer your questions.  For the purpose of this article, we’re going to focus ONLY on Early Decision, and I will write a second article in the coming week about Early Action which is completely different.  So, first of all, the “what” and “why” of college admissions and early decision, just so everyone’s on the same page:


The “What” —  Early Decision is the opportunity you have as an applying high school senior to designate one of your college applications as your #1 “priority choice” so college admission offices can basically “flag” your application to the school, putting in a BETTER pile of students that also are saying: “this is my most important application, and if I get in to _____I will go.”

The “Why?” — From the school’s perspective, even the top Ivy League colleges, they want students who they KNOW are going to commit to their incoming class.  This lets them better understand how to diversify their acceptance of regular admissions applicants once that time comes, as they will already have a solid foundation of students to compare them to. It works for you, AND it works for them.  Home run!

But, does Early Decision really work? And, if yes, then how do you decide which college to choose?

First, let me start by saying Early Decision DOES work.  It really does give you an advantage.  How much of an advantage changes every year, and changes every class, but it is anywhere around, in my experience, from a 4% – 10% boost.  “Well, that doesn’t sound like much!” you say.  Hold your horses though, though this applies to all colleges, in terms of Ivy League college admissions, which is my own speciality, if it comes down to getting into Harvard or Princeton which is life-changing, a 10% boost in YOUR favor, versus the student who applied regular decision, is a boost you want to take.

Think of this way, if you were going to play a slot machine (I know, sorry, underage gambling, but this is just a metaphor) say you were going to play a slot machine, and there are two slot machines side by side.  One pays out 10% more than the other one.  Consistently.  It’s been documented.   Which machine are you going to play?

You change of getting in to an Ivy League college in particular, which are the schools most students use their Early Decision choice for — is 10% higher than if you didn’t make that choice. Take that opportunity.

But, How Do I Know Which Ivy League College to Choose?

Now, this is a harder question. and there are two different ways to make your choice, two different strategies, or ways of approaching the problem, which I will go through below, but no matter which way you choose, it’s all about risk management.  In other words, you are trying to mitigate the risk of choosing one Ivy League college over another, so as to MAXIMIZE your chances, as there is no definitive answer and you are only looking for the best answer for YOU.

1. Pick the Hardest School

This means that if Harvard is on your list, pick Harvard.  Some will argue that Princeton is more difficult to get into than Harvard but Harvard is Harvard and I disagree (I’m also a Harvard grad).  So, this strategy entails the attitude of “JUST GOING FOR IT!”

This means that even if you think you might not be competitive at the most absolute highest levels, you have put together a strong college admissions application to the best of your ability, and you do have some interesting things in your background…and so, you’re just going to go for it, and throw caution to the wind, choose HARVARD as your early decision Ivy League school, and then wait to see what happens. *NOTE:  I have absolutely, year after year, seen this strategy work.

2. Pick the Hardest School  That You Think You Have the Best Chance of Getting Into! 

This means that if certainly would LOVE to get into Harvard or Princeton, Stanford, or even MIT…you kind of know in your heart it’s not going to happen, and more so, “just throwing it out there” as in my above example, makes you too anxious and taking crazy risks just isn’t your personality, you’re more “keep it calm, keep things easy going” personality.  You’re unlikely to bet it all, and wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if you did.

So, if this is you, choose the hardest school on your list  that you actually think you “might” be able to get into — that means that though you would love to join the tip of the iceberg in terms of academia, you think “I actually would love to go to Columbia University” or “I know I’d fit in more if I could only get into Brown.” THAT’s when you use the second strategy here, then.  Still extremely highly competitive and still Ivy League, but you pick a more “realistic” school.

Those are your two main strategies!

And if you’re reading this article and do not exactly fall into the “Ivy League College Admissions” competitive category, don’t worry, as the same two strategies above work for everybody else — it’s the choice between going for the gold and just throwing your hat in the ring, or staying on the calm middle road.

Great risk though sometimes has great reward!

I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer and Harvard grad, and run the top-rated Ivy League College Admissions Firm Ivy League Essay in New York.  Contact me today for a free consultation, and get into the school of your dreams! www.IvyCollegeEssay.com

Check out some of my other Ivy League College Admissions blog posts too for more college admissions tips and advice, such as: The Summer Before Your College Applications


19 12, 2021

Common App Essay Deadlines! Last Minute Help + Advice!

By |2022-10-02T14:18:59-04:00December 19th, 2021|The Harvard Admissions Interview|0 Comments

Common App Essays: Last Minute Help + Advice!

Are you struggling to finish your Common App Essay + each individual school’s supplementals?  With only 2 weeks left before the January 2022 college admissions deadline, and with the holidays quickly approaching, a lot of students are panicked!  What if it’s not good enough???  What if my essays sound stupid?  But suppose my topic is off base, and it’s just not what the schools are looking for?

What if I blow all of my chances?

Panic can be a bad thing, but the harsh truth is…there may be some truth to your fear.  The top schools in the US are looking for certain things, and if you don’t check the boxes in terms of your college admission essays, you’re simply not going to accepted.

The following however is a list to make sure your essays, and especially your Ivy League essays if you’re applying to the very top schools like Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Dartmouth, Brown, UPenn, Cornell, or Columbia, hit the mark.  Check out the following list of pointers to see where your own admissions essays might stand, and most importantly, while you still might have time to make some adjustments.

  • 1. The Common App Essay Topic:  Your Common App main essay topic is the most important thing in your entire application.  So many times I have seen essays by students that are well written, but the topic itself doesn’t lend itself to really showcasing the student’s background, and what makes them unique.

ASK YOURSELF: Is this topic truly the most interesting choice from my background?

  • 2. The Supplemental Essays:  After the Common App, your supplemental essays are the next most important thing in your college application, again, especially if applying to the Ivy League or top 20 school, and the worst of the 7 Deadly College Admissions Essay sins you can make is repeating yourself among any one school’s supplementals.

ASK YOURSELF:  Have I used each essay to say something different? Am I aware that repeating myself is one of the 7 Deadly Admission Essay Sins?

  • 3. The Activity List: This is the list of your extracurricular activities on your actual Common App (or Coalition App) application.  Most students list their activities and pay no attention to the ORDER the activities are listed. This is a very bad and very common error.  Order = emphasis, and you need to put your most impressive activities first!

ASK YOURSELF: Have I listed my activities in the order the admissions committee will find impressive? Am I listing the activities chronologically, or just in any random, haphazard order that comes to mind?

  • 4. The “Additional Information” Essay: Have I written an “additional information” essay, or have I decided I am not interesting and therefore have nothing else of value to say on my own behalf.  Obviously, this is very bad.  You need to take the opportunity to find something else from your background, culture, intellectual interests, hobbies, reading, anything to tell the admissions committee even more about yourself.  Don’t take this opportunity! You don’t look that great next to every other student who did find something else to add.  This is especially true for those schools that only have 1-2 supplemental essays.

ASK YOURSELF:  Am I taking every opportunity to show the admissions committee how interesting, ambitious and intellectually curious I am?

  • 5. Supplemental Materials: As with the above, some schools let you upload “additional documents” — this can be anything from MP3 files of music you’ve composed, to videos that show off a classical orchestral performance for example, to JPEGs of artwork, PDFs of published or not-yet-published fiction.  Again, as with the above bullet point, this is an opportunity to show the committee even more about yourself.

ASK YOURSELF: Am I taking this opportunity?

Those are just the top five points that come to mind as you are all finishing up your college applications this holiday season.  If you need extra help, reach out to me at www.IvyCollegeEssay.com

I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer + Harvard grad. I work with the top students all over the world who are trying to get into the Ivy League.  Let me help you while there is still time to succeed!

Check out the other articles on my award-winning Ivy League College Admissions Blog, such as the post:  Your College Admissions Interview


22 10, 2021

Ivy League Early Decision?

By |2022-10-04T10:50:11-04:00October 22nd, 2021|Brown, College Admissions, Columbia, Common App, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Ivy League, The Harvard Admissions Interview, Yale|0 Comments

Ivy League Early Decision: Nov 1 Deadline!

Ivy League Early Decision applications are due Nov 1.

With only one week left, what can you do to make sure your college admissions essays are in the best state possible to secure your chances of getting into the Ivy League?  Read on for the “Top Ten” tips for Early Decision from a former Harvard Interviewer:


  1. Early Decision Tip #1: Only submit your best work. Yes, early decision will help you, but if you’re struggling to finish your college admissions essays on time, just to get in by the deadline, and as a result are submitting sub-par, or what you know is not your best work, it is better to WAIT and submit regular decision, than get rejected now because you ran out of time.


  1. Early Decision Tip #2: Make sure you’ve chosen the best school for your early decision (or early action) pick! I usually tell my students who work with me via my Ivy League College Admissions Consulting service, that you want to pick the most difficult school on your list for early decision, because it will give you a slight (slight! as in many 5-10%) boost to your chances, BUT you don’t want to “waste” your decision if you truly, truly, don’t have a fighting chance of being competitive for the school.


That means if you know your GPA isn’t stellar, or maybe your SAT score isn’t what would normally be considered “solid” or “high” then your chances of getting into Harvard, or Princeton University are going to be way less, and you need to carefully rethink your decision, and you would be missing out on getting in to Columbia University, for example, or UPenn, or Cornell = all Ivy League schools, and extremely competitive, but sometimes slightly easier to get into than Harvard, Stanford, or Princeton.


My caveat?  Choose wisely.


  1. Early Decision Tip #3: Ok, and now for the actual essay tips — DO NOT REPEAT YOURSELF IN YOUR ADMISSIONS ESSAYS! Repeating yourself is one of the seven deadly sins of college applications. Then Each essay is an opportunity to reveal a different side of yourself.  Don’t waste that opportunity to reiterate something you already talked about somewhere else and It will count against you.


  1. Early Decision Tip #4: If you’re a legacy SAY IT. I know in this day and age we all like to think that everything is above board and equal, but the truth is, the Ivy League schools still value legacy. That means if your mom or dad went to Harvard, as with your Early Decision choice, it will give you a slight boost.  However, for all those who are not legacy, that doesn’t mean you’re out of the running.  It doesn’t even mean you’ll be looked over in favor of someone who is — it just means that if you have a family member who graduated from the school, also take advantage of the “boost” and make sure you say it within one of the essays, and not just on the application.


  1. Early Decision Tip #5: As with the above, if you are ranked nationally as an athlete in any sport, SAY IT. I’m surprised how many students have very significant achievements in all kinds of athletics, but, because they are not being actively recruited, think this just doesn’t matter. It matters.  As with everything else above, it will give you a “boost.”  You want the boost.


  1. Early Decision Tip #6: Make sure you are choosing the strongest topic for your Common App essay! The Common App essay, as all of you reading this know, is THE most important part of your college application after your grades + SAT / ACT. You better make sure you have chosen the best topic for you.  The most common mistake I see with my students, over and over again, is choosing a weak topic.  If you’re not sure and if your topic is weak or not, seek out someone like me, and I will be happy to tell you.  As you can see in the link below, I offer free consultations.  Did you hear that?  That’s FREE.


  1. Early Decision Tip #7: Always take advantage of any “additional information” essay and do it. Each essay, again, is an opportunity to show a different side of yourself. Why would you not take this opportunity and, tell the admissions committee even more?


  1. Early Decision Tip #8: The Ivy League schools want to see how sophisticated you are in your tastes. In other words, cultured. That means that supplemental questions, or questions on the Common App application itself that ask you to list books or TV shows, should be filled in with books and shows that are more intellectual in nature.  That’s what they’re looking for! If your whole list fills with pop culture teenage nonsense then you should think twice. The list is really a trick question Or Have doubts if your lists pass the test? Ask me.


  1. Early Decision Tip #9: Use your supplemental essays to show the admissions committee and what makes you unique. You want to use the essays as an opportunity to again showcase the most unique and interesting aspects of yourself. “Interesting” is the key word and also think about something you do. Or participate in what makes you different than your peers. Or is it something you have achieved at a very high level?



  1. Early Decision Tip #10: The order of your “Activities List” on the Common App matters! Again, you want to put the MOST INTERESTING activity at the top. Not necessarily but the thing you spend the most time doing and Remember, everything about your college application. Especially, if you are applying to the Ivy League (or Ivy League competitive schools) that is about showing the admissions committee who you are, as well as, why admitting you to their very select class, and, will only make their class better.


Good luck, and reach out to me if you’re looking for more bespoke Ivy League college admissions support or advice.  Thinking of transferring?  Check out my blog post here: Transferring to the Ivy League?

I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer and Harvard grad, and run my Ivy League College Admissions Essay Consulting firm: www.IvyCollegeEssay.com out of NYC,  and work with students all over the world.  Contact me today for a free consultation, and get into the Ivy League!

*Interested in getting your MBA degree and want to go to a top business school? www.MBAIvy.com

17 08, 2021

Want to Transfer to an Ivy League? There’s still hope!

By |2022-10-03T13:52:07-04:00August 17th, 2021|College Admissions, Ivy League, Ivy League Advice, Ivy League College, Transfer|2 Comments

Sometimes you don’t get into your first or even second choice college when you apply to the Ivy Leagues or any elite Top 20 university. The top Ivies and colleges flooded with thousands of applications every year. And the most elite schools have very limited spots. It doesn’t mean you need to completely give up on your Ivy League dream. Though: you can always apply as a transfer student and give yourself a second chance to get in! Transferring to an Ivy League college would be great for you.

Here are some positives that you can take away from a perhaps delayed entrance into your dream school Ivy. Ivy League school tuition is typically more expensive. So one or two semesters at another college could help you save money in the long term. During your time at another college, you could also work to improve your grades. In case your GPA was a determining factor as to why you didn’t get in the first time around. Also, you could take the time your freshman year elsewhere to get a better understanding of what you want to study and why. All of these things could help create an even stronger application as a transfer applicant. They lead to acceptance into one of your top college choices!

Whereas, the number of transfers is actually easier to get in as a transfer student than as an incoming freshman if everything else lines up. Try to transfer to an Ivy League college which will help you in your career!

The first step: figure out why you were rejected so you can focus on steps that might improve your chances this year. If you decide to reapply – whether that’s improving your SAT or ACT scores, your GPA, or fine-tuning your extracurricular activities and interests. To make your transfer application stand out show you are working hard to constantly improve yourself and grow your horizons. Admission officers don’t want to see the same application that you originally submitted, and yes, most schools do keep files.

While half of the students I work with get into the Ivies right out of high school. About 50% of my students are transfer applicants. I can give you guidance and insights about all the things. I will help you with your school selection and work with you on the content of your transfer application. Plus, I will provide any additional information about the process that you as a transfer applicant might need.

Reach out today for a free consultation at: www.IvyCollegeEssay.com. Let me help you get into a great top college. If you were previously waitlisted or rejected try to achieve your Ivy League dreams!

Check out my other Ivy League college admission blog articles here, including: The Ivy League Essay That Will Get You Into Harvard.

19 01, 2020

Your College Admissions Interview

By |2022-09-17T14:43:32-04:00January 19th, 2020|College Admissions, Harvard, Ivy League, The Harvard Admissions Interview|2 Comments

The College Admissions Interview

How to Prepare for your Ivy League interview as well as any other college or university!

Hello Ivy League college applicants! This is one of my most important Ivy League college admissions blog posts of the admissions cycle, and we’re going to touch on everything!

First things first, your college admissions interview, and specifically, your Ivy League interviews — especially if you are applying Early Decision, are quickly approaching!

The question now is:  how to best prepare?

You spent so much time on your college applications, not to mention all the years and years of your life trying to do well in high school, and amassing the right extracurriculars, plus trying to get your SAT and ACT test scores high, and doing interesting and unique things with your outside school time, and your summers, and your mind, and your personality, just so you can GET INTO A GREAT IVY LEAGUE COLLEGE.

In other words: don’t blow it now.

There is too much at stake.

So, what can you do to not blow your college admissions interview, no matter where you’re applying?  Educate yourself!

Know what to EXPECT from the interview process, and you’ll be so way ahead of the game!

To help out students who worked with me on their Ivy League admissions essays this year, as well as help out those students just finding my Ivy League blog now for the first time, I’ve put together an “Ivy League College Admissions Interview Prep ebook” for only $20 USD, that will expertly guide you through the entire regular college + Ivy League interview process.

You can get the downloadable ebook here today.  It’s small, but has everything you really need to know.

Seriously, don’t go into your college interview without being prepared.  My ebook is filled with EXPERT tips and advice on everything you can expect, from how to dress, to specific questions asked, and how you should best respond. I am a former Harvard admissions interviewer, as well as a Harvard graduate, and this is some of the best insider advice you can get.  


I am also offering this year, as my schedule allows, an 1 hour MOCK INTERVIEW Prep.  This “mock” or practice interview will walk you through what an exact Harvard (or Ivy League university equivalent) college admissions interview will be like before it’s actually real.

So, don’t think the interview doesn’t matter, because it does matter: A LOT.  An awful lot, and this is especially true if you’ve been deferred from Early Admissions/Early Decision.

Meanwhile, check out my ebook above, and GET INTO THE IVY LEAGUE!

[I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer, and a Harvard grad and currently run the top college admissions consulting firm: Ivy League Essay (www.IvyCollegeEssay) out of NYC.  Working with student all over the world, I help the best of the best achieve their dreams and get into Harvard and like-minded Ivy League universities. 

Contact me today, for a free consultation: www.IvyCollegeEssay.com 

For more Ivy League college admissions advice + tips, check out my article, here: How to Get into Harvard

29 11, 2019

Things You Can Do to Boost Your Ivy League Application!

By |2022-10-04T05:11:11-04:00November 29th, 2019|Brown, College Admissions, Columbia, Common App, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Ivy League, The Harvard Admissions Interview, Yale|1 Comment

If you’re applying to an Ivy League college you already know that high grades, tons of AP classes, stellar SAT scores, unique extracurriculars, and fantastic teacher recs can all play a role in your application and acceptance to some of the most prestigious colleges in America. Read the following things that can help you to Boost Your Ivy League Application.

The following are top ten tips though that you may not have thought of that when, combined with the standard qualifications above (i.e. stellar GPA, etc), can actually serve to help you get in!

  1. Social Media:  Schools check.  So, that said, you want to make sure that there is nothing crude or lewd on your facebook page and you’re not making extreme non-pc comments all over twitter.  It’s okay to show yourself having fun with your friends, and you certainly don’t have to show yourself as 100% scholarly and serious (it is a social outlet, after all), and you’re even allowed to have an opinion that maybe other people don’t necessarily agree with, but just keep in mind that the college admission officers are trying to get a sneak peak and quick overview of who you might be online. If you think your fb page shows you as an all around great person with dedicated intellectual and creative interests and great humanitarian projects under your belt (and on your page) then let them look.  It could help you.  More often than not though, it won’t.  Personally, I’d set my fb page to private right now to block anyone who isn’t a known friend. After all, why take the risk?
  2. Send your interviewer a thank you email: This is another tip that some might think of, and some won’t.  Sending a very BRIEF thank you, if you do in fact have your interviewer’s email address (some schools do not make this available). This is a sign of having good manners, which translates into a sign of strong upbringing and class.  The Ivy League especially is deciding whether you fit into their school culture. Not only if you have the grades to succeed.  Sending a thank you (just 2-3 sentences at most- don’t go longer) can leave a positive impression in your interviewer’s eyes. And that translates to a positive feeling when they sit down to report on their interview with you. This can help to get you in!
  3. Mention legacy:  Do you have a family member who went to the school?  If not that that particular college, did they go to another college within the Ivy League.  If so, mention it.  Don’t feel like you’re bragging.  The Ivy League universities value “legacies” highly. So even though it’s usually a question on the application, mention it during your college interview, as well. The Ivy League in particular loves tradition and preserving and honoring family lines.  If your mom went to Columbia and your dad is a Harvard grad = mention it.  Believe me, it will help.
  4. Mention 1st Generation: As an alternative to the above, perhaps you’re the first one in your family to ever even go to college!  If this is you, don’t worry, MENTION IT – somewhere in your essays.  Again, this will only help you.
  5. Are you a twin? Yes, I know this one isn’t going to apply to most people, but it’s worth mentioning. The Ivy League in particular loves admitting twins who are equally ambitious and have the required credentials.  So, if you’re a twin – identically or fraternal – this should be everywhere in your college essays, and specifically at least mentioned in you Common App.   The colleges like anything and everything that makes you unique. And having a twin or sibling that is going to be in the same incoming calls puts you in that “special and unique” category. Especially if you’re special and unique and can stand out in others areas, as well!

Those are just a few helpful tips that you might not find elsewhere regarding how to make your college applications. And especially your Ivy League college applications stand out even more.

Stay tuned in the coming days for even more, and check out my other Ivy League Essay articles, here: https://ivycollegeess.wpengine.com/2017/05/01/top-5-books-to-read-before-applying-to-an-ivy-league-college/

[I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer and a Harvard graduate, and currently run the Ivy League Essay college admissions firm: www.IVY COLLEGE ESSAY.com  Contact me for a free consultation today!]

23 11, 2019

Your Harvard College Admissions Interview: How to Prepare, What To Expect!

By |2024-08-11T21:32:42-04:00November 23rd, 2019|Admissions Interview, Harvard, Ivy League, Ivy League Advice, Ivy League College, The Harvard Admissions Interview|0 Comments

Your Harvard College Admissions Interview: How to Prepare What to Expect

It’s incredibly nerve-wracking to have to go into a room and have a stranger decide your future.  If you’re also a top student, it’s even more nerve-wracking to not know if you’re really going to get to go to a top-tier, super-competitive school like Harvard, Princeton, MIT or Yale and have your future and career laid out for you, or if you really even have the slightest chance of even getting in at all.

That’s why I’ve laid out the top questions students often hear during their Ivy League college interview.

Even if you’re not applying to the Ivy League, this will work for any other competitive top to mid-tier colleges, too.

So, whether you’re applying to Harvard and Princeton, Penn or NYU, studying these questions will help you be more prepared in terms of what to expect from your college interview, and how to be more confident during the interview itself, so nothing — and I mean nothing — will take you by surprise!

As an overview though, college admissions officers want to know that you have the maturity to speak clearly, that you can be comfortable even in a nerve-wracking situation, that you can look them in the eye, smile, chat, have a solid “adult” conversation on an adult level, and are clear in terms of who you are at this point in your life and where you want to go.  These questions will help you get there:

1. “So, what are you interested in studying in college?”

What college interviewers are looking for here, is an answer that reveals your academic and possible future professional plans and interests, but also shows uniqueness and a background (however slight it may be) related to your answer.

In other words, just saying you’re interested in pre-med is fine, but saying you’re interested in pre-med because you spent time interning over the summer at a make-shift hospital in India, or at an inner city hospital in Chicago, is better because it shows you have actual experience to back up your goals. .

The main thing that will get you bad marks here on this question?  Being too vague – that’s what this question is trying to screen for.  Your college interviewer wants to make sure that you have the focus and ambition needed to truly succeed in a top Ivy League college (and in life).  They want to make sure you’re someone who has a plan and has a direction…even if that direction later changes course.  Just show them that you have an initial thought-out plan.

 So, if they ask you this question, pick an academic subject and back it up, even if you end up changing your major 4 times once you’re in.  First, get in!

2. “What high school accomplishment are you most proud of?”

Here, your college admissions interviewer is trying to get a sense of what you value, as the accomplishment you are most proud of will not only show off your best strengths academically (or extracurricularly, as could be the case) but will show him/her what things and pursuits you actually  identify with, in your own life – and that gives them great information about YOU.

The main thing that will get you bad marks on your college interviewer’s report with this question? Not showing a real passion or energy behind your answer.  You can’t expect someone to be excited about what you’ve done in life, if you yourself aren’t that interested.

3. “Tell me about your family background? Where did you grow up?”

What the admission officer is looking for here, is a sense of trying to place you = what I call, trying to paint a picture of your home life in their mind.  Did you grow up in a big city, a suburb, a rural farm?  Were you home-schooled, or did you attend a highly competitive science magnet in your area?

They are trying to place you, but they are also trying to discern how you yourself feel about your background.  There’s no wrong answer here, except a one-word answer.  That will get you a bad mark on the interviewer’s report, and you don’t want that.  If someone asks you a question, expand and expound!

4. “What is an example of something difficult you’ve had to go through, or an important event perhaps that took place in your life in the last few years?”

Here, as with the question above, the admissions committee (through the college interviewer’s report that they will write about you)  is simply trying to get a sense of who you are, what you value, and what stands out in your mind.  They are simply trying to understand who you are as a person, and how you see yourself in relation to others.

The one thing that will get you bad marks on this question?  Not having a strong and solid answer.  It’s really not so much what you say with any of this, but how you say it.  Always speak with confidence and self-reflection = that’s what they really like.  Don’t be afraid to show them who you are as a thinker and a person.  The fastest thing to get you dinged on all of your questions is, again, a weak, one-word response!

5. “Why Harvard” or “Why Princeton?” or “Why Columbia?” or “Why Berkeley?”

Most likely, you already wrote an admissions essay covering this question, so I strongly suggest you review all of your essays before going into your college interview.  Your answer “Why Harvard, or University of Pennsylvania, or Columbia, Brown, Duke, UCLA, MIT, or NYU?” (just to name a few), should focus on that particular school’s program, core curriculum, professors, classes and extracurriculars that are specific to your interests.

The focus should be academic at the core, but don’t be afraid to let your personality and true interest in a school’s outside extracurricular activities also shine through.  Do your homework and understand the differences between different programs and how they’re set up with their own unique flavor, especially when we’re talking about the Ivy League colleges and universities.

In the end, your college admissions interview should be conversational, interesting, educational and engaging!  In other words, just try to have a very real and connected conversation. Most interviews last 30-45 minutes, and if you’ve gotten this far, it’s a very good sign that you are already on your way!

I currently have a 10 page ebook titled “Ivy League Interview Tips” available for download on my website.  This short book highlights all of the top Ivy League interview questions and strategies you need to succeed. Click here to get my interview tips eBook today!

Buy Interview Tips Book

Still want more help?

I’m a former Harvard admissions interviewer + Harvard grad, and  I currently run the Ivy League college essay admission consulting firm: www.IvyCollegeEssay.com.  

I provide expert advice on college essays and applications to students all over the world. And I specialize in the Ivy League and “Top Ten” schools.  Feel free to contact me today for more information, and get into the school of your dreams!

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